Breaking World News

Breaking World News

Running Would Have Broken an Adult Tyrannosaurus Rex’s Legs
“Jurassic Park’s most iconic scenes should have run a little slower, based on new research suggesting our favourite dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus rex, couldn’t manage more than a walk…” (Science Alert)

Scientists Have Reversed Brain Damage in a 2-Year-Old Girl Who Drowned in a Swimming Pool
“Researchers in the US have reported what they believe is a first-of-its-kind reversal of brain damage, after treating a drowned and resuscitated toddler with a combination of oxygen therapies…” (Science Alert)

At Southeast Side vigil for slain 10-year-old, frustration and tears
“The gathering for 10-year-old Gustavo Garcia started as vigils for slain children often do: with a prayer, a plea to “Our Father” for a spirit of unity, and hushed “Amens” from huddled mourners…” (Chicago Tribune)

‘It’s an insane process’: How Trump and Republicans failed on their health care bill
“Vice President Mike Pence arrived at the National Governors Association summer meeting with one mission: to revive support for the flagging GOP plan to rewrite the nation’s health care laws…” (Chicago Tribune)

Venezuelan bishops call for an end to the “inhuman repression”
“Venezuelan bishops called for an end to the “inhuman repression”, urged the government of Nicolas Maduro to hold elections and to dismantle and censure pro-regime civilian armed groups and also addressed the armed forces recalling they must serve the people, not a regime…” (Today Venezuela)

Venezuelans Vote On Sunday As Last Chance To Stop Power Grab by Maduro
“Venezuelans head to the polls Sunday, July 16, in a tense vote that the opposition hopes will mark a watershed — and the government insists means nothing at all…”
(Today Venezuela)

Egypt police trap and kill top militants
“Egyptian police have killed three top ISIS militants in two separate operations, including two caught trying to move to a new hideout on Cairo’s outskirts, the government said Tuesday…” (El Arabiya)

Erdogan to visit Saudi Arabia and Qatar amid Gulf crisis
“Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will this month visit Saudi Arabia and Qatar, which are locked in a deep diplomatic crisis, his office announced Tuesday…” (El Arabiya)

Divisions exposed over £66bn Brexit divorce bill
“Divisions over the UK’s Brexit divorce bill were laid bare on Tuesday as British negotiators pushed back against a mooted €75bn (£66bn) Brexit charge-sheet…” (The Guardian)

Grenfell Tower residents in uproar over failure to distribute donations
“Angry questions were raised at a public meeting on Tuesday over the £20m raised by charities and individual fundraisers for the victims of the Grenfell Tower fire, with residents demanding to know why so little money had been disbursed to affected residents…”
(The Guardian)

Jailed Cameroon journalist named winner of top press freedom prize“Radio France International’s Hausa service journalist Ahmed Abba who was sentenced to 10 years in prison this year by a Cameroon military tribunal has been named the 2017 International Press Freedom Award recipient…” (Africa News)

Kenya elections one of the most expensive in the world
“Kenya is feeling the strain of funding possibly the second most expensive election in the world in the face of falling revenues, public sector wage pressures and emergency spending following a prolonged drought, the country’s Daily Nation reports…”
(Africa News)

Photo: By The original uploader was Basejumper123 at English Wikibooks [CC BY 2.0 or CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Breaking World News

Breaking World News

Rep. Brad Sherman introduces articles of impeachment against Trump
“Los Angeles-area Rep. Brad Sherman has introduced articles of impeachment against President Trump, making good on a promise to move the process forward…”
(Los Angeles Times)

Net neutrality supporters say online rally is just the start of the fight to keep tough FCC rules
“Some of the Web’s biggest names — Amazon, Google, Netflix and Twitter — joined thousands of smaller websites Wednesday in urging users to tell Washington to leave the Internet the way it is…” (Los Angeles Times)

Army thwarted by citizens’ confrontation
“One of the founders of Michoacán’s self-defense movement surfaced yesterday, calling on local citizens to defend themselves against what he called a siege by the Army…”
(Mexico News Daily)

Garbage is piling up as dispute continues
“A highway blockade in Oaxaca that has halted garbage pickup in the city for eight days was lifted last night but only briefly after negotiations failed to produce an accord…”
(Mexico News Daily)

Three Yazidi women freed, 20 others rescued in Mosul
Mosul ( Three Yazidi women, detained by Islamic State, were freed, while other women were found by Tigris River in western Mosul…” (Iraqi News)

China offers Iraq CNY80 mn for reconstruction efforts
“Baghdad ( China is supporting Iraq’s effort to reconstruct cities recaptured from the Islamic State with 80 million Yuans, Beijing’s ambassador to Baghdad declared Wednesday…” (Iraqi News)

The European Motor Sputters to Life
“Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Emmanuel Macron hope to reinvigorate the Franco-German partnership. Yet even as military cooperation moves forward, the two countries are still far apart on eurozone reforms…” (Spiegel Online)

Was the G-20 Summit Really Worth It?“The Hamburg summit is over. Overshadowed by the violence on the streets outside, Angela Merkel and the rest of the G-20 leaders managed to find mini-compromises on major issues. But the question remains: Was it worth it?…” (Spiegel Online)

PM orders inquiry into intimidation of MPs during general election
“Theresa May has ordered an investigation into intimidation experienced by candidates during the last election after a barrage of complaints by MPs about death threats and harassment…” (The Guardian)

New way of reading scans can predict heart attack risk, research finds
“Heart attacks may soon be easier to predict thanks to a method of reading routine heart scans that can pinpoint those most at risk, research suggests…” (The Guardian)

Anti-smog campaign continues in north
“China launched its largest operation to control air pollution in northern regions on Wednesday, using more than 5,600 inspectors to push the areas to meet ambitious pollution reduction targets this year…” (China Daily)

Ozone could turn cities into no-go zones
“The invisible pollutant is rapidly becoming a main cause for concern in many areas of China, as Zheng Jinran reports…” (China Daily)


Photo: See page for author [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Breaking World News

Breaking World News

Analysis: A revelation unlike any other in the Russia investigation
“There have been other moments in the lengthy investigation of Russian government interference in the 2016 president election that have registered on the legal and political Richter scales, but none with the power and explosiveness of the email chain involving Donald Trump Jr. that became public Tuesday…” (Chicago Tribune)

Activists demand resignation of Palos Township trustee following Facebook posts
More than 100 activists rallied outside Palos Township offices Monday night to condemn a trustee’s comments on Middle Eastern students as hateful and demand her immediate resignation…” (Chicago Tribune)

Digital Reconstruction Reveals Face and Body of Ancient Peruvian High Priestess
“More than 1,700 years after her lavishly garbed, mummified body was ceremonially buried by the Moche in a royal tomb on Peru’s northern coast, officials on Tuesday revealed to the world a forensic recreation of the High Priestess of the Huaca Cao…” (Peruvian Times)

Pope Francis to Visit Peru in January 2018
“Pope Francis is to visit Peru and Chile at the beginning of next year, according to an announcement issued at the Vatican on Monday…” (Peruvian Times)

US and Qatar sign deal on fighting terrorism
“Qatar and the United States have signed an agreement to help combat “terrorism financing” during a visit to Doha by US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson…” (Al Jazeera)

The Yazidi men left behind: ‘ISIL destroyed us’
“Yazidi men whose wives and children were abducted by ISIL are struggling to cope with the uncertainty of their fates…” (Al Jazeera)

Palio di Siena: Tornasol, the horse that refused to run
“Tornasol” was one of the favourites but was too agitated to run, forcing the Tartuca “contrada” to pull out. The horse has already become an idol on social media…” (Corriere Della Sera)

Mystery resignation amid fears of new Vatileaks scandal
“Libero Milone, the first Auditor General of the Vatican accounts, has unexpectedly resigned, possibly due to friction with the Vatican’s economic affairs commission APSA. Indiscretions from sources close to the Pope suggest he was considered the “wrong man for the job”…” (Corriere Della Sera)

As Mt. Gox trial opens in Tokyo, head of bankrupt bitcoin exchange denies embezzlement
“The head of Mt. Gox, once the world’s largest exchange for bitcoin digital currency, denied embezzling hundreds of millions of yen from its customers as his trial began Tuesday in Tokyo…” (The Japan Times)

EU free trade deal likely to hurt Japan’s dairy farmers, wineries“The economic partnership agreement between the European Union and Japan comes as a corrective to the rising wave of protectionism in the United States and Britain but could deal a blow to Japanese dairy farmers and wineries, experts say…” (The Japan Times)

Generous people live happier lives
“Generosity makes people happier, even if they are only a little generous. People who act solely out of self-interest are less happy. Merely promising to be more generous is enough to trigger a change in our brains that makes us happier. This is what UZH neuroeconomists found in a recent study. (Science Daily)

Drinking coffee could lead to a longer life, scientist says
“Here’s another reason to start the day with a cup of joe: Scientists have found that people who drink coffee appear to live longer…” (Science Daily)


Photo: By Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America (Donald Trump, Jr.) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Breaking World News

Breaking World News

Protesters caused thousands in damage at Trump Tower: prosecutors
“Environmental activists who raised a banner at Trump Tower in protest of President Donald Trump’s agenda caused thousands of dollars in damage to the River North skyscraper, according to prosecutors…” (Chicago Tribune)

2 GOP senators suggest bill to repeal health care law is ‘dead’
“The initial GOP bill to repeal and replace the nation’s health law is probably “dead” and President Donald Trump’s proposal to just repeal it appears to be a “non-starter,” two moderate Republican senators indicated Sunday as their party scrambled to salvage faltering legislation…” (Chicago Tribune)

‘This is going to be a long battle:’ No end in sight to wildfires ravaging B.C. interior“More than 220 fires are burning in B.C.’s interior as of Sunday afternoon, including more than a dozen considered an immediate threat to communities…”
(National Post)

Chief commissioner says missing and murdered Indigenous women inquiry is moving at ‘lightning speed’
“The chief commissioner of the national inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women says the inquiry is moving at “lightning speed,” given the scope of its task…” (National Post)

Anger in the Rif
“Protests that began last autumn in the Rif may go nationwide as Moroccans demand jobs, infrastructure that works and reform. But will the king listen?” (Le Monde diplomatique)

Trouble in the Gulf: the view from Tehran
“Throughout the Gulf region people are talking about the rift between Saudi Arabia (and its allies) and Qatar and the unexpected appointment on 21 June of Muhammad Bin Salman (known as ‘MBS’) as Saudi Arabia’s new crown prince…”(Le Monde diplomatique)

Stormy G20 ends with opt-outs for Trump on climate, trade“World leaders made concessions on trade and climate language to Donald Trump Saturday at the end of the most fractious and riot-hit G20 summit ever, in exchange for preserving a fragile unity of the club of major industrialised and emerging economies…” (The Local)

After riots, Merkel takes flak for decision to hold G20 in Hamburg
“Raging street battles that marred Germany’s G20 summit have sparked a political fight over how Hamburg could descend into “mob rule” and why Chancellor Angela Merkel chose a hotbed of leftist militancy as the venue…” (The Local)

Iraq declares victory in ‘liberated’ Mosul
“MOSUL, Iraq — Iraq declared victory against the Daesh extremist group in Mosul on Sunday after a gruelling months-long campaign, dealing the biggest defeat yet to the extremist group…” (The Jordan Times)

Erdogan warns Syrian Kurds of Turkey’s right to defence
“HAMBURG — President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday said Turkey would never allow a Kurdish state in Syria near its border, and warned that if threatened, Ankara would not hesitate to use its right to self-defence…” (The Jordan Times)


Photo: By Diego Delso, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

Breaking World News

Breaking World News

Five things to watch for during Trump’s meeting with Putin
“Hamburg, Germany (CNN)All eyes will be on President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday when the two controversial world leaders meet for the first time…” (CNN)

States sue Betsy DeVos over student loan rule delay
“Democratic attorneys general from 18 states and Washington D.C. sued Education Secretary Betsy DeVos on Thursday after she delayed an Obama-era rule meant to protect student borrowers…” (CNN Money)

Security agents have killed at least 13 people in protests in Venezuela
“TODAY VENEZUELA – Ombudsman Tarek William Saab lashed out at violent events and hate crimes in almost three months of protests throughout Venezuela against the government of President Nicolás Maduro…” (Today Venezuela)

Attorney General: Venezuela is a police state
“Venezuela’s Attorney General Luisa Ortega Díaz said on Monday during an interview released in Lima, Peru, that subordination of the judiciary to secret services has turned Venezuela into a police state, instead of one with advocacy of citizens’ rights…”
(Today Venezuela)

UK business leaders to call for indefinite delay in leaving single market
“Business leaders are to demand that ministers agree an indefinite delay in Britain’s departure from the European single market and customs union to give more time for talks on a long-term trade deal…” (The Guardian)

Grenfell Tower: fire-proof cladding specified by architects used only on ground floor
“The architects of the Grenfell Tower refurbishment, completed in 2016, specified cladding that did not burn but that material was used only on the ground floor, where nobody in the block lived…” (The Guardian)

Read: Miss SA caught up in ‘racism’ scandal after wearing gloves while visiting children (The South African)
“Another race storm has been blowing up in South Africa on Thursday afternoon. Miss South Africa, Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters has had to release a public statement after numerous South Africans took offence to pictures of her visiting and feeding children in Soweto…” (The South African)

KZN cancer patients wait up to eight months for treatment as health experts abandon province
“As KZN says farewell to the last of its oncologists, chilling revelations by the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) show that people diagnosed with cancer who are unlucky enough to find themselves living in the crumbling province can wait up to eight months for treatment…” (The South African)

Senior court official calls for more judicial fairness
“A senior official of the Supreme People’s Court underscored the importance of judicial fairness on Wednesday and called on all courts to improve their performance in criminal trials. “People’s increasing legal awareness has brought higher requirements to our judicial work, urging us to uphold justice and improve the quality of case hearings,” said Shen Deyong, executive vice-president of the SPC…” (China Daily)

Award-winning teacher showcases Chinese educational innovation
“After being named one of the top 10 best teachers in the world by the Global Teacher Prize, Yang Boya, a mental health educator from Yunnan province, has successfully attracted global attention to China’s education innovation. Yang is using her platform to showcase the country’s rising influence on international education trends…”
(China Daily)

Photo: By Salavat Fidai (Trump and Putin) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Breaking World News

Breaking World News

Here’s why a growing number of states are pushing back against Trump’s voter fraud commission
“The Trump administration’s new voter fraud commission is lacking a crucial component in these early days: momentum…” (LA Times)

The U.S. may have one card to play against North Korea: trade
“Chinese banks handle North Korean trade deals. African countries employ North Korean guest workers and buy spare parts for Soviet-era military equipment as well as sophisticated new missiles. Moldova recently announced its intentions to export wine for the more sophisticated palates of Pyongyang…” (LA Times)

Firm commended for creating Yucatán jobs
“The federal government is ready to do more after the private sector created job opportunities in Tizimín, Yucatán…” (Mexico Daily News)

14 dead in Chihuahua as rival gangs battle
“Rival gangs had it out early this morning in Madera, Chihuahua, leaving at least 14 people dead…”
(Mexico Daily News)

Tony Blair should be prosecuted over Iraq war, high court hears
“The Chilcot inquiry’s conclusion that the invasion of Iraq was unnecessary and undermined the United Nations requires the prosecution of Tony Blair, the high court has heard…” (The Guardian)

Theresa May to discuss Paris accord with Donald Trump at G20
“Theresa May will raise the issue of climate change with Donald Trump this weekend when the pair meet for the first time since she lost her majority in the general election. They will talk at the G20 summit in Hamburg, which runs on Friday and Saturday…”
(The Guardian)

How a Syrian NGO is rebuilding destroyed parts of Idlib
“A non-governmental organisation has launched an initiative to rebuild parts of northern Syria that have been destroyed in the country’s ongoing war…” (Al Jazeera)

Gaza’s ‘Game of Thrones’: A fight to defeat resistance
“The rumored return of exiled leader Mohammed Dahlan is part of an Israeli-backed plan to stifle resistance in Strip…” (Al Jazeera)

Tanzania seeks release of truckers kidnapped in DRC
“Tanzania’s foreign ministry says that 24 truckers driving in a convoy from the country had been kidnapped by the Mai-Mai militia in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo..(Daily Nation)

President Edgar Lungu invokes state of emergency
“Zambian President Edgar Lungu invoked a state of emergency on Wednesday after a series of apparent arson attacks, in a move likely to trigger fresh accusations of government authoritarianism…” (Daily Nation)
Photo: By Rama (Own work) [CeCILL or CC BY-SA 2.0 fr], via Wikimedia Commons

Breaking World News

Breaking World News

With fresh tweet blitz, Trump doesn’t seem to be heeding calls to tone down
“resident Donald Trump escalated an intensely personal feud with two high-profile talk show hosts Saturday, suggesting without evidence that their network is biased against him…” (Chicago Tribune)

Police: Doctor hunted ex-colleague before New York shooting rampage
“A doctor angry that his career was derailed at a New York City hospital toted an assault rifle past security in search of a colleague he was going to hold responsible. When that person wasn’t there, he opened fire anyway, killing a doctor who was only there covering a shift as a favor, authorities said Saturday…” (Chicago Tribune)

Puddles and patriotism mark Canada 150 celebration
“Canadians poured out their love for Canada on Saturday — and Canada poured it right back, with twin deluges to start and end a day of remarkable festivities on Parliament Hill…” (Ottawa Citizen)

A call for ‘liberation of indigenous nations’ amid the Canada 150 bash
“While dignitaries from Prince Charles to Justin Trudeau spoke about reconciliation from Parliament Hill’s Canada Day stage, indigenous demonstrators rejected the notion as “lip service” and demanded action…” (Ottawa Citizen)

Brazil Braces for Nationwide Strike Against Reform Bills Today
“SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL – Brazilian officials are bracing for what may become a significant nationwide protest today, Friday June 30th, against the government’s labor and social security reform bills in Congress…” (Rio Times)

Brazilian President Michel Temer Charged with Corruption
“SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL – The top federal prosecutor in Brazil, Rodrigo Janot, filed corruption charges against President Michel Temer with the country’s Supreme Court (STF) on Monday. This is the first time in history a sitting President has been charged with a crime in Brazil…” (Rio Times)

Top Tories in revolt against May over public spending
“Theresa May is facing a chorus of Tory demands for a radical overhaul of state funding for public services as cabinet ministers and senior Conservative MPs back higher pay for millions of NHS workers, more cash for schools and a “national debate” on student debt…” (The Guardian)

Poll finds that 60% of Britons want to keep their EU citizenship
“Six out of 10 Britons want to keep their European Union citizenship after Brexit – including the rights to live, work, study and travel in the EU – and many would be prepared to pay large sums to do so, according to research led by the London School of Economics…” (The Guardian)

Mosul victory in ‘days’ as Daesh falls back in Syria
“MOSUL, Iraq — Iraq will declare victory over the Daesh terror group in Mosul during the “next few days”, a senior commander said Friday, as the extremists fell back in neighbouring Syria…” (The Jordan Times)

Turkey hopeful as Erdogan meets Qatar defence minister
“ANKARA — Turkey on Saturday said it remained hopeful of a solution to the Gulf crisis that has seen its ally Qatar diplomatically and economically isolated, after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan held talks with the emirate’s defence minister…” (The Jordan Times)
Photo: By Michael Vadon (Donald Trump) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Breaking World News

Breaking World News

Multiple People Shot At New York City Hospital; Shooter Dead
“NEW YORK ― A former employee at a New York City hospital shot multiple people Friday afternoon, killing a woman and wounding six other people before killing himself, police said…” (Huffington Post)

Trump’s Election Investigation Is Already Facing Trouble
“WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump’s commission on election integrity is facing significant hurdles, as multiple state election officials have said they will not comply with the panel’s request this week for specific, sensitive voter information…”
(Huffington Post)

Migrant Nation
“Most places that house people on the move, for whatever reason, were set up in a hurry and meant to be temporary. The reality was quite different…”
(Le Monde diplomatique)

‘America first’ means addressing climate change
“During his inaugural speech, President Donald Trump announced that from that point it would be, and only be, America first. His policy for the next four years is to focus on making America big, strong and safe again. However, his decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement of November 2016, designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and signed by 194 states, will place American national security at risk…”
(Le Monde diplomatique)

Kensington and Chelsea council leader quits in wake of Grenfell disaster“The Tory leader of Kensington and Chelsea council is to step down along with his deputy after weeks of criticism over the response to the Grenfell Tower fire, culminating in a bungled attempt to hold a meeting about the blaze in private…” (The Guardian)

Sex offender treatment scheme led to increase in reoffending
“Sex offenders who completed a group treatment programme in prison were more likely to commit further similar offences, a Ministry of Justice review has found. The analysis warned that group therapy could allow offenders to share “contacts and sources” or normalise criminal behaviour…” (The Guardian)

Iran win four medals at World Taekwondo Championships
“The Iranian delegation snatched four medal at the 2017 World Taekwondo Championships in Muju, South Korea…” (Tehran Times)

Iran on a fast-track to beating noncommunicable diseases: WHO
“Since the 1960s, the Islamic Republic of Iran’s urban population has tripled and life expectancies have risen. This, however, has increased people’s exposure to tobacco, unhealthy diets, and physical inactivity – among the main risk factors for noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), primarily cardiovascular and lung diseases, cancer and diabetes…” (Tehran Times)

Contemporary African art wows Paris
“One of the largest exhibitions of contemporary African art is on show at the Louis Vuitton Foundation in Paris…” (Africa News)

Ex-U.N. Chief Ki-moon joins Mandela’s global think tank ‘The Elders’
“Immediate-past United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, has joined a group of eminent global statesmen called ‘The Elders.’” (Africa News)

Photo: By Jim.hendersonOwn work, CC0, Link

Breaking World News

Breaking World News

Thunderbird F-16 Military Jet Flips Over at Dayton, Ohio, Air Show Practice
“A fighter jet from the famed U.S. Air Force group the Thunderbirds ran off the runway after landing and flipped over at a Dayton airfield as the team practiced for an air show, officials said. The pilot suffered injuries that are not life-threatening…” (NBC News)

Trump Acknowledges Russian Election ‘Meddling’ in Tweet Criticizing Obama
“President Donald Trump on Twitter appeared to acknowledge Russian meddling in the presidential election in a tweet Friday that attacked former President Barack Obama…” (NBC News)

MX to Trump: country not second deadliest
“Mexico strongly refuted a tweet this week by U.S. President Donald Trump saying that Mexico is the second deadliest country in the world, following which the organization that originally published the claim offered a correction…” (Mexico News Daily)

Dog fights as sport now illegal in Mexico“…Congress approved legislation two months ago to make it illegal to raise and train dogs for participating in fighting matches for recreational purposes. Today it became official with its publication in the Official Gazette of the Federation…” (Mexico News Daily)

Iran arrests Daesh-linked terrorists planning attacks in religious cities
“Iranian security forces have arrested a number of terrorists linked to the Daesh Takfiri group before they could carry out any act of terror in the country’s religious cities…” (Iran Daily)

Tehran to host int’l cartoon contest on Trump
“Iran’s capital Tehran will organize an international cartoon contest on US President Trump with the participation of over 500 cartoonists from 75 countries…” (Iran Daily Online)

Qatar blockade exposes rifts in Trump administration’s ‘peculiar’ foreign policy“While Donald Trump backs the Saudi-led ultimatum, the state and defense departments are openly critical – a mixed message that could worsen the crisis…” (The Guardian)

Housing crisis threatens a million families with eviction by 2020“More than a million households living in private rented accommodation are at risk of becoming homeless by 2020 because of rising rents, benefit freezes and a lack of social housing, according to a devastating new report into the UK’s escalating housing crisis…”
(The Guardian)

8 Celebrities With Plans to Send Humans to Mars or Beyond
“Stephen Hawking says let’s go back to the moon, then build a base there – and then do the same thing on Mars. The world-famous astrophysicist made it sound more eloquent and profound than that…” (Science Alert)

New Discovery Could Allow Us to Edit Memories to Make Them Less Traumatic
“Researchers have recently discovered two different types of memory use completely different processes in the same nerves, opening the way for a new pharmaceutical solution for treating anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)…” (Science Alert)


Photo: By David Armer [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Breaking World News

Breaking World News

Leftwing Democrats say Jon Ossoff loss shows ‘massive failure’ of party’s elites
“Progressives have branded Jon Ossoff’s loss in Georgia’s special congressional election a “massive failure” for establishment Democrats that illustrates the need for leftwing candidates in the 2018 midterms…” (The Guardian)

Russia cancels talks after US imposes new sanctions over Ukraine conflict
“Russia has canceled a planned round of talks with the US in protest at new sanctions imposed this week over Moscow’s military intervention in Ukraine…” (The Guardian)

Kensington and Chelsea chief steps down after pressure from Sajid Javid
“The chief executive of Kensington and Chelsea council, Nicholas Holgate, has resigned after being asked to do so by the communities secretary, Sajid Javid. In a statement Holgate said that Javid “required the leader of the council to seek my resignation”.’
(The Guardian)

Finsbury Park attack suspect was probably ‘self-radicalised’
“The suspect in the Finsbury Park terrorist attack is believed to have been self-radicalised into his extremist hatred of Muslims, it is understood…” (The Guardian)

Chinese songs of dignity
‘Music is our voice to Chinese society. The voices of migrant workers are rarely heard’, says Cheng, a rock bandleader and activist. We met in the backroom of a small shop in a suburb of Shenzhen, China’s manufacturing metropolis…” (Le Monde diplomatique)

France and Iran, two years after the nuclear deal
“Nearly Two years have passed since Iran and the major world powers reached a diplomatic agreement in Vienna over the Islamic Republic’s deeply disputed nuclear activity…” (Le Monde diplomatique)

Communist parties of China, Cuba pledge to enhance ties
“BEIJING, June 21 (Xinhua) — The Communist parties of China and Cuba pledged to strengthen ties as senior officials met on Wednesday…” (XINHUANET)
IS militants blow up Mosul’s historical al-Nuri mosque
“MOSUL, Iraq, June 21 (Xinhua) — The extremist Islamic State (IS) militants have blown up Mosul’s historical al-Nuri mosque and its leaning minaret, as Iraqi forces are pushing near the Mosque area in the western side of Mosul, the Iraqi military said…” (XINHUANET)

Hanson under fire over disabled kids comments
“A LABOR MP who has an autistic child has ripped into Pauline Hanson over her suggestion that children with autism spectrum disorder be removed from mainstream classrooms…” (

Victoria bus collision leaves one dead, 14 injured
“A SMASH between a bus and taxi in regional Victoria has left one woman is dead and 14 people injured…” (


By Anupamtree (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

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