The Screaming Skull, a film by Alex Nicol, 1958

The Screaming Skull, a film by Alex Nicol, 1958

The Screaming Skull, 1958

A film by Alex Nicol

“A newly married couple arrives at the home of the husband’s late wife, where the gardens have been maintained by a gardener faithful to the dead woman’s memory. Soon, eerie events lead the new wife to think she’s losing her mind.” (IMDB)

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Doomsday Machine, a film by Harry Hope, Lee Sholem, Herbert J. Leder, 1972

Doomsday Machine, a film by Harry Hope, Lee Sholem, Herbert J. Leder, 1972

Doomsday Machine, 1972

A film by Harry Hope, Lee Sholem, Herbert J. Leder

“Spies discover that the Red Chinese have built a “doomsday machine” capable of destroying the surface of the Earth, and that they plan to use it within a matter of days. Meanwhile, Project Astra, a manned U.S. space mission to Venus, is in its final hours before launch when it is taken over by the military and nearly half of its all-male crew is replaced by women. The reason for this becomes apparent when, shortly after Astra leaves orbit, the Earth is completely destroyed in a global cataclysm! Is the human race doomed? What dangers and wonders await the crew of the Astra on their journey to Venus?” (IMDB)

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Scream Bloody Murder, a film by Marc B. Ray, 1973

Scream Bloody Murder, a film by Marc B. Ray, 1973

Scream Bloody Murder, 1973

A film by Marc B. Ray

“A disturbed boy kills his father with his farm tractor and his arm is mangled in the process. He’s taken to a mental hospital where he’s outfitted with a hook to replace his lost hand and, years later, he’s eventually released from the asylum. He returns home to find his mother has remarried, which sets him off on a murderous rampage.” (IMDB)

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Prisoners Of The Lost Universe, a film by Terry Marcel, 1983

Prisoners Of The Lost Universe, a film by Terry Marcel, 1983

Prisoners Of The Lost Universe, 1983

A film by Terry Marcel

“Three people are transported into a parallel reality, where they find they must use modern technology, but medieval weapons, in order to save the citizenry from a murderous warlord.” (IMDB)

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