Coronavirus: symptoms and seeking help? The CDC Website

“With the novel coronavirus continuing to spread around the globe, health experts are emphasizing the importance of seeking medical advice if you notice any symptoms—by calling 811 (911 in the US) or your local health professional first before going to a clinic or hospital…” (Yahoo News)
Also, the management of Face Activities asks you to reconsider the elbow bump as a greeting during these trying times. Though it’s suggested as an alternative to the handshake to minimize physical contact, you must still make physical contact and stand too close (within the recommended three foot safety margin.)
Instead, we recommend making a gesture that suggests the idea of a handshake or sincere greeting, but without the proximity or physical contact of the elbow bump. Perhaps clasping both of your hands to mimic a hand shake, or bowing with palms together, as is a tradition in India?
What ever you choose, keep up frequent hand washing, and social distancing. We wish you health and happiness in these challenging times.
The The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website has an enormous amount of important information on the Coronavirus outbreak, and how to stay as safe and healthy as possible. We recommend visiting and taking a look.