Breaking World News

Breaking World News
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Five things to watch for during Trump’s meeting with Putin
“Hamburg, Germany (CNN)All eyes will be on President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday when the two controversial world leaders meet for the first time…” (CNN)

States sue Betsy DeVos over student loan rule delay
“Democratic attorneys general from 18 states and Washington D.C. sued Education Secretary Betsy DeVos on Thursday after she delayed an Obama-era rule meant to protect student borrowers…” (CNN Money)

Security agents have killed at least 13 people in protests in Venezuela
“TODAY VENEZUELA – Ombudsman Tarek William Saab lashed out at violent events and hate crimes in almost three months of protests throughout Venezuela against the government of President Nicolás Maduro…” (Today Venezuela)

Attorney General: Venezuela is a police state
“Venezuela’s Attorney General Luisa Ortega Díaz said on Monday during an interview released in Lima, Peru, that subordination of the judiciary to secret services has turned Venezuela into a police state, instead of one with advocacy of citizens’ rights…”
(Today Venezuela)

UK business leaders to call for indefinite delay in leaving single market
“Business leaders are to demand that ministers agree an indefinite delay in Britain’s departure from the European single market and customs union to give more time for talks on a long-term trade deal…” (The Guardian)

Grenfell Tower: fire-proof cladding specified by architects used only on ground floor
“The architects of the Grenfell Tower refurbishment, completed in 2016, specified cladding that did not burn but that material was used only on the ground floor, where nobody in the block lived…” (The Guardian)

Read: Miss SA caught up in ‘racism’ scandal after wearing gloves while visiting children (The South African)
“Another race storm has been blowing up in South Africa on Thursday afternoon. Miss South Africa, Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters has had to release a public statement after numerous South Africans took offence to pictures of her visiting and feeding children in Soweto…” (The South African)

KZN cancer patients wait up to eight months for treatment as health experts abandon province
“As KZN says farewell to the last of its oncologists, chilling revelations by the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) show that people diagnosed with cancer who are unlucky enough to find themselves living in the crumbling province can wait up to eight months for treatment…” (The South African)

Senior court official calls for more judicial fairness
“A senior official of the Supreme People’s Court underscored the importance of judicial fairness on Wednesday and called on all courts to improve their performance in criminal trials. “People’s increasing legal awareness has brought higher requirements to our judicial work, urging us to uphold justice and improve the quality of case hearings,” said Shen Deyong, executive vice-president of the SPC…” (China Daily)

Award-winning teacher showcases Chinese educational innovation
“After being named one of the top 10 best teachers in the world by the Global Teacher Prize, Yang Boya, a mental health educator from Yunnan province, has successfully attracted global attention to China’s education innovation. Yang is using her platform to showcase the country’s rising influence on international education trends…”
(China Daily)

Photo: By Salavat Fidai (Trump and Putin) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

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