Join the Factory Farm Detox!

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This in from the ASPCA:

Feeling hopeless about animal cruelty, pollution and injustices occurring on factory farms? Here’s a way to make a real difference: the ASPCA’s Factory Farm Detox.

Spend 7 days—Sept. 24-30, 2018—free of factory farmed foods! It’s easy:

Meat, eggs or dairy from animals raised on factory farms. This means caged, crowded, lacking access to the outdoors and worse.
Meat, eggs and dairy produced on welfare-certified farms, as well as all plant-based meat and dairy alternatives.
Join our weeklong Factory Farm Detox and we’ll send you daily emails with inspiration and resources—including exclusive, tasty recipes from favorite chefs and bloggers. We’ll help you understand food labels (both good and bad) and find higher-welfare products where you shop.

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