Breaking World News

Breaking World News
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Here’s why a growing number of states are pushing back against Trump’s voter fraud commission
“The Trump administration’s new voter fraud commission is lacking a crucial component in these early days: momentum…” (LA Times)

The U.S. may have one card to play against North Korea: trade
“Chinese banks handle North Korean trade deals. African countries employ North Korean guest workers and buy spare parts for Soviet-era military equipment as well as sophisticated new missiles. Moldova recently announced its intentions to export wine for the more sophisticated palates of Pyongyang…” (LA Times)

Firm commended for creating Yucatán jobs
“The federal government is ready to do more after the private sector created job opportunities in Tizimín, Yucatán…” (Mexico Daily News)

14 dead in Chihuahua as rival gangs battle
“Rival gangs had it out early this morning in Madera, Chihuahua, leaving at least 14 people dead…”
(Mexico Daily News)

Tony Blair should be prosecuted over Iraq war, high court hears
“The Chilcot inquiry’s conclusion that the invasion of Iraq was unnecessary and undermined the United Nations requires the prosecution of Tony Blair, the high court has heard…” (The Guardian)

Theresa May to discuss Paris accord with Donald Trump at G20
“Theresa May will raise the issue of climate change with Donald Trump this weekend when the pair meet for the first time since she lost her majority in the general election. They will talk at the G20 summit in Hamburg, which runs on Friday and Saturday…”
(The Guardian)

How a Syrian NGO is rebuilding destroyed parts of Idlib
“A non-governmental organisation has launched an initiative to rebuild parts of northern Syria that have been destroyed in the country’s ongoing war…” (Al Jazeera)

Gaza’s ‘Game of Thrones’: A fight to defeat resistance
“The rumored return of exiled leader Mohammed Dahlan is part of an Israeli-backed plan to stifle resistance in Strip…” (Al Jazeera)

Tanzania seeks release of truckers kidnapped in DRC
“Tanzania’s foreign ministry says that 24 truckers driving in a convoy from the country had been kidnapped by the Mai-Mai militia in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo..(Daily Nation)

President Edgar Lungu invokes state of emergency
“Zambian President Edgar Lungu invoked a state of emergency on Wednesday after a series of apparent arson attacks, in a move likely to trigger fresh accusations of government authoritarianism…” (Daily Nation)
Photo: By Rama (Own work) [CeCILL or CC BY-SA 2.0 fr], via Wikimedia Commons

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