Happy 4th of July! Stay Safe!

To all those who celebrate the 4th of July Holiday, we at Face Activities wish you a happy, fun and safe holiday. It’s wonderful to spend time with family and friends, enjoy a cookout, marvel at the spectacle, and relax.
For many, the 4th of July is all about the fireworks. There’s nothing more exciting than watching a great fireworks display. We highly recommend attending a professional show produced by trained and experienced experts. You can probably find one in your community, or a city near you.
If you are going to set off your own store-bought fireworks, we urge you to proceed with caution, learn and obey the local laws in your area pertaining to fireworks, and keep children far from harm’s way. And never, absolutely never, attempt to make or manufacture your own fireworks.
Watch this government safety video that emphasizes what can go wrong if you’re not careful (theverge.com)
Photo: by Ralph Daily, Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license. (image was resized and sharpened)