Terrorists kill 6, injure 30 at London Bridge

Terrorists kill 6, injure 30 at London Bridge
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The management team of Face Activities extends our deepest condolences to the victims, and their families, of the terrorist attack in London, today. It’s another tragic and unconscionable outrage committed by the worst of criminals. 

Today three terrorists launched a two-pronged attack in London, just two weeks after the attack in Manchester following Ariana Grande’s concert. The attack occurred at London Bridge, a prominent UK Landmark that regularly attracts scores of visitors. A van swerved into the crowd, deliberately trying to strike and kill or injure as many people as possible.

Then knife-wielding assassins wearing fake suicide vests exited the vehicle and began stabbing people, including one British transport officer. The terrorists were confronted and shot dead by police in Borough Market, near the south end of London Bridge. The entire rampage lasted only eight minutes, but at least six people lost their lives, and at least 30 were wounded.

In the wake of these attacks, President Donald Trump called for courts to  reinstate his travel ban. Though the investigation is ongoing, the crime appears to follow a pattern of recent terror attacks committed in homage to ISIS.

Learn more about London Bridge Terror Attack (Huffington Post)


Photo: David Williams [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

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