Breaking World News

Breaking World News
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White House signals that the U.S. is likely to exit Paris climate deal
“President Trump is still undecided but leaning toward withdrawing the United States from the landmark Paris climate agreement, White House officials said Wednesday, a move that would honor a campaign vow but risk rupturing global alliances and disappointing both environmentalists and corporate titans…” (The Washington Post)

Trump administration moves to return Russian compounds in Maryland and New York
“The Trump administration is moving toward handing back to Russia two diplomatic compounds, near New York City and on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, that its officials were ejected from in late December as punishment for Moscow’s interference in the 2016 presidential election…” (The Washington Post)

Corbyn confronts Rudd over spending cuts in fractious TV debate
“Jeremy Corbyn challenged Amber Rudd over the impact of the government’s spending cuts on Wednesday night, as he sought to exploit the cracks in the Conservatives’ general election campaign with his last-minute decision to take part in a live leaders’ debate on BBC1…” (The Guardian)

UK government sued for third time over illegal air pollution from diesels
“Environmental lawyers are taking the government to the high court for a third time in a bid to remove “major flaws” from minister’s plans to tackle the UK’s illegal levels of air pollution…” (The Guardian)

Yemen facing total collapse as war continues, UN warns
“The United Nations humanitarian chief has said Yemen is facing “total social, economic and institutional collapse”” (BBC – Middle East)

Russia fires cruise missiles at IS targets in Syria
“A Russian warship and submarine in the Mediterranean have fired four cruise missiles at so-called Islamic State (IS) positions in central Syria…” (BBC – Middle East)

Police target teen gang in Castle Hill, Bad Machine Brotherhood
“HILLS police are putting the squeeze on a youth gang operating in Castle Hill called the Bad Machine Brotherhood…” (

Malaysia Airlines: A man threatening to ‘blow up’ a plane is the latest in a long line of incidents
“A MAN threatening to “blow up” a Malaysia Airlines flight en-route to Kuala Lumpur from Melbourne is just the latest in a string of episodes to strike the beleaguered airline in recent years…” (

Filmmaker wins for third time at Cannes
“Mexican filmmaker Michel Franco has won an award at the Cannes Film Festival for the third time…” (Mexico News Daily)

Mexican surfer wins world championship
“18-year-old’s win gave Mexico its first individual medal at the World Surfing Games…” (Mexico News Daily)

Scientists Have Used CRISPR to Slow The Spread of Cancer Cells
“CRISPR-Cas9 is the gene editing tool that promised to change the world.

In the short time since its discovery, it has snipped HIV out of human immune cells, sparked a biomedical race between the US and China to work toward bioengineered humans, and now scientists have used CRISPR-Cas9 to slow the spread of cancer…” (Science Alert)

Strange, Violent Dreams Could Be Trying to Warn Us About Future Brain Disease
“Researchers have found an unexpected link between strange, physically violent dreaming and the risk of neurological disease, such as Parkinson’s and dementia, later in life, and say they could act as an early warning sign decades before diagnosis…” (Science Alert)


Photo: joelbeeb [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

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