Breaking World News

Breaking World News
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Obama Calls On Congress To Have ‘Courage’ In Health Care Debate
“Former President Barack Obama called on Congress to have “courage” in the debate over health care for millions of Americans.

While accepting the Profile in Courage Award at the John F. Kennedy Library on Sunday, Obama reflected on how some lawmakers voted for the Affordable Care Act in 2010, even though they knew their seats were vulnerable and the vote could cost them…
(Huffington Post)

Republicans Are Building An Alternate Reality Around Their Health Care Bill“President Donald Trump pledged on the campaign trail that he would not cut Medicaid, the government program that provides health coverage to millions of Americans. But now Trump and Republicans are moving a health care bill that would slash Medicaid funding dramatically.

Confronted with Trump’s campaign promise on Sunday, the president’s health secretary Tom Price insisted there would be no Medicaid cuts at all under the GOP plan, even though the cuts are undeniable…” (Huffington Post)

Richard III staging in Leicester Cathedral condemned
“A screenwriter who spearheaded the project to find the remains of Richard III has condemned plans to stage Shakespeare’s play in the cathedral where he was reburied in 2015…” (The Guardian)

Two-thirds of Britons have had mental health problems – survey“Two-thirds of British adults say they have experienced mental ill-health at some point in their lives, according to a survey.

The World Health Organisation says one in four people globally are affected by problems such as depression or panic attacks at some point. Research published by the Mental Health Foundation on Monday suggests that the prevalence is far wider in the UK…”
(The Guardian)

Rivalries threaten in post-ISIS Mosul
“The highway into Mosul bears the scars of battle to dislodge ISIS from Ninewa. Deep craters, ruined buildings and the distant sound of airstrikes mark the steady advance of Iraqi security forces into militant-held territory. All this also highlights the immense task Baghdad faces as it looks to restore infrastructure, essential services and institutions to those living in Mosul and the towns scattered across the surrounding Ninewa plains…”
(Le Monde diplomatique)

Who judges the EU laws?
“The EU believes the rule of law is the foundation of the union. But on what basis does its own law supersede and even countermand national legislation?”
(Le Monde diplomatique)

Netanyahu’s wife to be indicted over corruption charges
“Israeli police have moved to indict Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s wife on allegations of corruption, Israeli broadcaster Channel 10 revealed on Friday.

The Israeli channel said that the indictment is related to the case referred to by the media as the prime minister’s real estate on which Sara Netanyahu was investigated over her alleged use of state funds for private spending…” (Middle East Monitor)

Amnesty: Algeria must safeguard freedom of speech
“Amnesty International has called on Algeria to amend its laws to remove “restrictions imposed unduly” on media outlets and to release those detained for exercising their right to freedom of expression…” (Middle East Monitor)

Why taps in Nairobi will remain dry despite rains
“By Josphat Thiong’o | Updated Mon, May 8th 2017 at 00:00 GMT +3 SHARE THIS ARTICLE Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Residents of Nairobi Langata Southlands Kijiji area line up for water in the early hours. (Photo: Elvis Ogina/Standard) Nairobi residents may soon get more water if the rains persist. However, until the water level hits the 30 per cent mark at Ndakaini Dam, city residents will continue to get water twice a week…”
(The Standard – Kenya)

How Kenyans make money through online writing
“NAIROBI, KENYA: About 50 000 graduates are churned out of public and private universities in Kenya every year piling into the number of unemployed youths in the country estimated at 2.3 million…” (The Standard – Kenya)

Photo: Kennedy Center / Youtube (screen capture)

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