Breaking World News

Hosni Mubarak walks free after six-year detention
“Six years after his ouster, Egypt’s ex-President Hosni Mubarak has been released from detention after being cleared of inciting the killings of hundreds of protesters in 2011…” (Al Jazeera)
Jordanians in Karak find unity in wake of tragedy
“New initiatives aim to strengthen the town’s sense of community, after a December ISIL attack that killed 10 people…” (Al Jazeera)
Israel shuts down Arab primary school in East Jerusalem
“Israeli occupation authorities shut down the private school a month ago, alleging an affiliation with Hamas…” (Al Jazeera)
“The area along the Israel-Jordan border is highly susceptible to earthquakes. Israelis, Jordanians and Palestinians joined forces to provide the best possible response in case such a disaster strikes…” (Jerusalem Post)
“…Along with a contingent of Jerusalem Post editors and reporters, I was in the Palestinian city to meet with PA strongman Jibril Rajoub, who has been part of the Israeli-Palestinian landscape since the beginning of the Oslo Accords over two decades ago….”
(Jerusalem Post)
Trump’s art of no deal: Find someone to blame
“…Speaking soon after accepting defeat, Trump didn’t shoulder the responsibility himself, nor did he pin the blame on House GOP leadership or any of the warring Republican factions’ whose competing demands ultimately sunk any chance of a consensus bill.
Instead, he blamed Democrats and vowed to let Obamacare “explode.”…” (CNN)
Missing black girls in DC spark outrage, prompt calls for federal help
“Two months ago, the Washington Metropolitan Police Department’s new commander, Chanel Dickerson, made a pledge: Let’s find our missing girls.
Now, as the department posts profiles of missing black and Latina girls in the nation’s capital on its Twitter feed almost daily, members of the Congressional Black Caucus are calling for a federal investigation…” (CNN)
Westminster attack: police scramble to piece together past of London killer
“Counter-terrorism investigators have been investigating Khalid Masood’s life and associations across Britain as they raced to discover what led him to kill four people and injure more than 50 in Wednesday’s murderous attack in Westminster…” (The Guardian)
Woman photographed in hijab on Westminster Bridge responds to online abuse
“A woman whose image became an Islamophobic meme after the Westminster terror attack has told of her horror and distress at the incident and the abuse she suffered afterwards…” (The Guardian)
Vancouver is the 39th most expensive city in the world, according to The Economist
“ancouver, the city of unaffordable homes and disappearing millennials, ranks as the 39th most expensive major city in the world, according to The Economist’s Worldwide Cost of Living Report 2017…” (
Canadian-developed Ebola vaccine licensed to Merck
“The small U.S. company that holds the rights to a Canadian-developed Ebola vaccine has agreed to licence it to vaccine giant Merck, which should speed the development of the product that scientists hope will eventually end the outbreak in West Africa…” (
It’s Happening: Scientists Can Now Reverse DNA Ageing in Mice
“Researchers have identified a cellular mechanism that allows them to reverse ageing in mouse DNA and protect it from future damage.
They’ve shown that by giving a particular compound to older mice, they can activate the DNA repair process and not only protect against future damage, but repair the existing effects of ageing. And they’re ready to start testing in humans within six months…” (Science Alert)
Two-Thirds of Cancer Mutations Are Random and Unavoidable, Scientists Claim
“Almost two-thirds of cancer mutations are caused by random DNA-copying errors during cell division and are impossible for us to avoid, regardless of lifestyle and the genes we inherit from our parents, according to new research…” (Science Alert)
Photo: This image is a work of an employee of the Executive Office of the President of the United States, taken or made as part of that person’s official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain.