Breaking world news

Needle in the hay: “Elliott Smith’s incomparable brilliance lives on
“The first time I ever heard an Elliott Smith song was in early high school, in Wes Anderson’s The Royal Tenenbaums,” says musician Julien Baker, whose debut album Sprained Ankle pays subtle homage to Smith…” (The Guardian)
Earth’s oceans are warming 13% faster than thought, and accelerating
“New research has convincingly quantified how much the Earth has warmed over the past 56 years. Human activities utilize fossil fuels for many beneficial purposes but have an undesirable side effect of adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere at ever-increasing rates. That increase – of over 40%, with most since 1980 – traps heat in the Earth’s system, warming the entire planet. (The Guardian)
Trump border wall shines spotlight on French-Swiss cement maker’s murky past
“French-Swiss cement maker LafargeHolcim came under fire this week after offering to supply materials for US President Donald Trump’s planned wall on the Mexican border. But the company has a long history of questionable business practices…” (France 24)
Africa, Picasso and racism: Five art exhibits to see in Paris this spring
“A look at five must-see art exhibitions in Paris this spring, from French artist Abraham Poincheval’s eccentric Oeuf (“Egg”) at the Palais de Tokyo to the thought-provoking “Us and Them” at the Musée de l’Homme…” (France 24)
South Africa’s taxi drivers block roads to main airport
“Taxi drivers in South Africa on Friday b locked roads to Johannesburg’s airport, holding up thousands of travellers in a protest against transport app Uber…” (Africa News)
Somaliland: Investigators discover 17 bodies from old mass graves
“A team of forensic investigators scrape away soil covering a mass grave in the town of Berbera, Somaliland using metal hand tools…” (Africa News)
Iran maintains position as Asia’s top team in latest FIFA ranking
“Iran maintained its position as Asia’s top ranked team in the latest FIFA World Ranking, despite dropping to 33rd place globally…” (Iran Daily)
Iran welcomes China mediation in Saudi Arabia tensions
“Iran welcomed a Chinese offer to play a mediatory role and help settle the differences between Iran and Saudi Arabia, which unilaterally severed ties with the Islamic Republic last year…” (Iran Daily)
High-Intensity Interval Training Could Be Your Best Bet for Keeping Your Cells Young
“High-intensity interval training (HIIT), where short bursts of activity are mixed with rest periods, is your best pick when it comes to using exercise to combat the cellular signs of ageing, according to new research…” (Science Alert)
Scientists Have Found Some Much-Needed Clues About the Genetic Cause of Social Anxiety
“Social anxiety disorder (SAD) can be a debilitating condition, but like many mental health disorders, researchers aren’t sure where the genetic basis of the condition lies, or how the environment plays a role in triggering the symptoms – and that makes it particularly difficult to diagnose and treat…” (Science Alert)
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