Breaking World News

Breaking World News
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Rigopiano Avalanche Survivors: “This has to be stopped
““I can’t believe this is happening,” commented Giorgia Galassi, who was told that the best way to distance herself from her traumatic experience at the Hotel Rigopiano was to go on holiday. The university student pulled out alive from the rubble after 58 hours was speaking from Switzerland. “Apart from the fact that I won’t watch it, it strikes me as premature. If they really want to make a film about it, they should wait a while…”” (Corriere Della Sera)

Doubts Emerge in Garlasco Murder Case after New DNA Tests
“The DNA profile .Stasi, at the time a student at the Bocconi university in Milan, but to another male, probably a young man who was a friend or acquaintance of the 26-year-old woman killed on the morning of 13 August 2007 in Garlasco, a town of 10,000 inhabitants in the province of Pavia, in the small detached house at 8 Via Pascoli…” (Corriere Della Sera)

Arrest of Fezzani, Leading IS Figure and Recruiter in Italy
“Esplora il significato del termine: Moaz Fezzani, widely known as Abu Nassim, the Tunisian terrorist wanted by half the world and thought to be an IS recruiter in Italy, has been arrested in Sudan…” (Corriere Della Sera)

Kim Jong-nam’s body targeted in morgue break-in, say police
“Malaysian police investigating the murder of Kim Jong-nam say attempts were made to break into the morgue where his body is being held and have demanded to question a senior North Korean diplomat…” (The Guardian)

Police make arrests at Standing Rock in push to evict remaining activists
Only a few dozen people remained at the Dakota Access pipeline protest encampment on Wednesday night after the state’s eviction deadline saw most of the activists leave voluntarily amid a show of force from law enforcement in riot gear…” (The Guardian)

Trump’s feminist critics gagged by Chinese internet giant Weibo
“Chinese feminists have hit out at their country’s answer to Twitter after it gagged one of their movement’s most visible social media accounts in an apparent bid to stifle criticism of US president Donald Trump…” (The Guardian)

3 Million Kenyans Need Relief Aid
“Close to 3 million Kenyans are in need of relief assistance, official said…” (The East African)

Pastoralists move to north Uganda in search of food
“As Uganda grapples with food insecurity, which is termed as a near crisis, it is also dealing with an influx of internal and external pastoralists searching for water and pasture for their livestock in northern Uganda…” (The East African)

Farmers in Africa to get quality seeds in new drive
“A continental initiative aimed at enhancing food security through the production of quality certified seeds has opened in Nairobi…” (The East African)


Photo: By TVSEICC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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