Breaking news from around the world

Breaking news from around the world
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NASA’s Announcing a Big Discovery “Beyond Our Solar System” Tomorrow
“…We’re so excited, we’re going to be live blogging the exoplanet announcement as it happens, so you guys will be first to hear the news. And we’ve embedded the NASA TV live stream below, so we can all witness the potentially history-making announcement together…” (Science Alert)

One of the Biggest Myths About Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Just Got Debunked
“…But for decades, researchers have struggled to find an underlying cause, leading to an assumption by many doctors that it’s ‘not a real disease’. Now, Australian researchers have blown that myth wide open, showing for the first time that CFS is linked to a faulty cell receptor in immune cells…” (Science Alert)

Cracking story: French artist to entomb himself in rock for a week, then use body to hatch eggs
“A French artist is preparing to be entombed for a week inside a 12-tonne limestone boulder in a modern art museum in Paris, after which he will emerge and attempt to hatch a dozen eggs by sitting on them for weeks on end…”(The Guardian)

The rise and fall of Milo Yiannopoulos – how a shallow actor played the bad guy for money
“So there is, after all, a line that you cannot cross and still be hailed by conservatives as a champion of free speech. That line isn’t Islamophobia, misogyny, transphobia or harassment…” (The Guardian)

Wannabe workshop to the world
“Vietnam is prospering but working conditions remain harsh. Business leaders hoped the Trans-Pacific Partnership would help make it an offshore manufacturing base to rival China. That may not happen…” (Le Monde diplomatique)

Tajikistan plans world’s biggest dam“After 58 years of delays, work has restarted on the Rogun Dam, Tajikistan’s sole hope for being part of the modern world; and neighbouring Uzbekistan may at last drop its opposition to the project.” (Le Monde diplomatique)

Fathers go shirtless outside school to protest over fees
“Fathers of several students removed their shirts outside a private school in Jalandhar on Tuesday to protest against the school issuing a notice that their wards would not be allowed to appear in the final exams if they did not deposit annual charges…” (Times of India)

PM Narendra Modi conveys to US India’s unease over likely H-1B curbs
“PM Narendra Modi has urged the US to take a “reflective, balanced and far-sighted” perspective on the movement of skilled professionals, indicating India’s discomfort with the Trump administration’s intent to curb H-1B visas…” (Times of India)


Photo: By ESO/L. Benassi – CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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