Electoral College Protests: What you can do tomorrow

The progressive change campaign committee of boldprogressives.org has prepared a list of action items you can do as concerned citizens to protest the Electoral College Vote tomorrow. The following is excerpted from an e-mail sent out by this organization to citizens concerned about a pending Trump Presidency.
“The Electoral College protests in all 50 state capitols tomorrow are getting HUGE media attention.
Last night, the push was featured in a Saturday Night Live skit. That could be bigger than all the newspapers combined.
80 Electors have now signed a letter demanding an intelligence briefing on Russian hacking of our election system.
There’s still time to have an impact and make history. Here’s how:
- Click here to see the time and location of the Electoral College protests happening tomorrow morning at every state capitol. Be sure to RSVP if you can attend by 9am. If you can’t attend, but you support this action, click here.
- Chip in $3 toward organizing the Electoral College protests. Putting on 50 protests in one week is a monumental undertaking requiring staff, security, and massive logistics.
- Click here to share info about the protests on Facebook. And, click here to share on Twitter
- Click here to write a targeted letter to your state legislators and governor supporting the National Popular Vote.
We still being sober about this. The chances of an outright victory tomorrow are extremely slim. But the media is watching. These protests at all 50 state capitols will stiffen Democratic spine to fight. And, by drawing attention to the Russian hacking, Trump massively losing the popular vote, and the impact of voter suppression, we can make Trump’s claims of a “mandate” ridiculous.” (boldprogressives.org)