Terrorists kill 6, injure 30 at London Bridge

Terrorists kill 6, injure 30 at London Bridge

The management team of Face Activities extends our deepest condolences to the victims, and their families, of the terrorist attack in London, today. It’s another tragic and unconscionable outrage committed by the worst of criminals. 

Today three terrorists launched a two-pronged attack in London, just two weeks after the attack in Manchester following Ariana Grande’s concert. The attack occurred at London Bridge, a prominent UK Landmark that regularly attracts scores of visitors. A van swerved into the crowd, deliberately trying to strike and kill or injure as many people as possible.

Then knife-wielding assassins wearing fake suicide vests exited the vehicle and began stabbing people, including one British transport officer. The terrorists were confronted and shot dead by police in Borough Market, near the south end of London Bridge. The entire rampage lasted only eight minutes, but at least six people lost their lives, and at least 30 were wounded.

In the wake of these attacks, President Donald Trump called for courts to  reinstate his travel ban. Though the investigation is ongoing, the crime appears to follow a pattern of recent terror attacks committed in homage to ISIS.

Learn more about London Bridge Terror Attack (Huffington Post)


Photo: David Williams [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

The Manchester Arena Bombing: Update

The Manchester Arena Bombing: Update

As the investigation progresses into the Manchester Arena Bombing, new information has come to light, and sadly the death toll has risen. The management team of Face Activities offers our heart felt condolences and sympathies to the victims and their families of this terrible crime. 


Authorities have learned a lot in a short time about the suicide bombing perpetrated at the Ariana Grande concert, on Monday, May 22nd, at the Manchester Evening News Arena, in the United Kindgom.  The blast killed 22 people, and dozens more were injured, many seriously, just after the pop star finished her concert at 10:30 pm, local time.

The blast occurred in an less secure area, as concert-goers exited the venue, so the terrorists maximized the number of victims by hitting a “soft target,” with limited security compared to that inside the concert venue.

The attack occurred on the anniversary of the murder of Lee Rigby, a British army soldier who was hacked to death on May 22, 2013, by Michael Adebolajo and an accomplice. Abedi’s attack prompted authorities to up the threat level to “Critical,” and a second attack is thought to be imminent.

Salman Abedi, a 22-year-old UK citizen of Libyan descent, committed the atrocious act, which targeted very young teenagers and tweens, mostly girls (the youngest known victim was 8-years-old.) Abedi, the son of Libyan refugees fleeing the Gaddafi regime, appears to have been part of a terrorist network in Manchester, with links to Libya, and appears to have owed his allegiance to ISIS.

Abedi’s suicide vest was a sophisticated piece of technology, so it’s unlikely he fabricated it alone. Authorities believe he had received training from ISIS in years past. Abedi came to the attention of authorities years ago, when he expressed sympathy for terrorist acts, and suicide bombings, to classmates, who reported him to the security services.

In the wake of the bombing, the authorities have made five arrests, and at least two in Libya, including Abedi’s father and brothers, as police probe Abedi’s network.

Learn more about the state of the investigation (The Telegraph)


Photo: By David Dixon, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link


Tragic Suicide Bombing at Ariana Grande Concert in Manchester, UK

Tragic Suicide Bombing at Ariana Grande Concert in Manchester, UK

The Management Team of Face Activities wishes to express our deepest sympathies to the victims of the tragic explosion on Monday, at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, United Kingdom, and to their families and friends. This monstrous action is thought to be the work of a suicide bomber, intent on committing a heinous act of terrorism.


The concert goers, mostly tween girls, were unprotected, unsuspecting, and innocent. In the aftermath of the explosion, 19 people were killed, and over 60 injured, with numerous concert-goers missing. Family and friends are still searching frantically for loved ones, posting desperate pleas for information on social media.

The act of targeting any public gathering is an outrage, but targeting one predominantly comprising teenagers and tween kids is beyond the pale. Once again the terrorists of our age demonstrate their complete lack of humanity, and morality. And if confirmed as a terrorist attack, the bombing will be the worst on British soil since the subway bombing of 2005.

American Pop Star Ariana Grande was on tour promoting her “Dangerous Woman” album, and issued the following statement on Twitter: “broken. from the bottom of my heart, i am so sorry. i don’t have words.”

Learn more about Manchester Bombing (Washington Post)


Photo: By Hoshie – Made by HoshieSodipodi flag collection (original file) Dead link as of: 4FEB2009Colours: vexilla mundi Dead link as of: 12DEC2007Proportions: Zscout370 and Madden, Public Domain, Link

Terrorist outrage in Egypt on Palm Sunday

The management team of Face Activities extends our sympathies to the victims of today’s terrorist attacks in Egypt. We condemn this cruel act of barbarism, and this flagrant violation of human rights.

Early today, on Palm Sunday, one of the holiest days in the Christian calendar, Coptic churches in Egypt were bombed by terrorists. ISIS has claimed responsibility for these outrages.


“ISIS claimed responsibility for bombings that killed 43 at two Coptic churches in Egypt on Palm Sunday — brazen strikes against a vulnerable minority on one of the most important days on the Christian calendar.

The terror group’s Amaq media wing said “a security detachment” of the Islamic State carried out the attacks on churches in the cities of Tanta and Alexandria. The bombings also left scores wounded.” (CNN)

Learn more about this terrorist incident (CNN)


Photo: This image is in the public domainbecause it contains materials that originally came from the United States Central Intelligence Agency’s World Factbook






Police storm Bangladeshi Cafe where ISIS terrorists hold captives

Hostage Crisis, Dhaka, Bangladesh

The world endures another terrorist outrage, as extremists armed with guns and explosives attack innocent, unarmed citizens in Bangladesh. As always, the management team of Face Activities extends our support and sympathy to the victims and their families.

Police have stormed the Holey Artisan Bakery, in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, rescuing a few people from the clutches of ISIS terrorists, who seized the cafe, taking as many as 20 hostages. The terrorists have thrown bombs at police, and exchanged gunfire. At least one officer has been killed. Even though some were rescued, the crisis is ongoing.

Bangladesh, to the north east of India, is 89% Muslim, and this monstrous attack happens as the holy month of Ramadan, one of Islam’s most challenging and important sacred ritual obligations, nears an end.

Learn more about ongoing terrorist hostage crisis in Bangladesh (CNN)


Photo: by Michael Reeve (MykReeve, CC BY-SA 3.0)

How to participate in a vigil for the victims of the Orlando shooting

Vigils in support of Orlando attack (weareorlando.org)

In response to the tragedy of the mass casualty event in Orlando, Florida over the weekend, many cities across the United States are hosting vigils, in order to offer support to the victims, and to make a stand against the violence.

The site weareorlando.org hosts a growing list of vigils, with locations and times, throughout the country. If you want to voice your support for the victims, and outrage over this crime, visit this site and find a vigil to attend near you.

List of Vigils for Orlando Victims (weareorlando.org)