President Trump condemns Charlottesville attack

The management team of Face Activities extends our sympathies to the victims of the brutal terrorist attack in Charlottesville, Virginia. Such violence at the hands of white nationalists must never be tolerated in a free and open society.

President Trump spoke about the events in Virginia, and in his second address he condemned the white nationalists in stronger terms, after wide spread criticism that he hadn’t called them out clearly over the weekend.

One woman lost her life, and many were injured, when a 20-year-old demonstrator drove his car into a crowd of helpless counter protesters, in a clear and ruthless act of domestic terrorism.


The Manchester Arena Bombing: Update

The Manchester Arena Bombing: Update

As the investigation progresses into the Manchester Arena Bombing, new information has come to light, and sadly the death toll has risen. The management team of Face Activities offers our heart felt condolences and sympathies to the victims and their families of this terrible crime. 


Authorities have learned a lot in a short time about the suicide bombing perpetrated at the Ariana Grande concert, on Monday, May 22nd, at the Manchester Evening News Arena, in the United Kindgom.  The blast killed 22 people, and dozens more were injured, many seriously, just after the pop star finished her concert at 10:30 pm, local time.

The blast occurred in an less secure area, as concert-goers exited the venue, so the terrorists maximized the number of victims by hitting a “soft target,” with limited security compared to that inside the concert venue.

The attack occurred on the anniversary of the murder of Lee Rigby, a British army soldier who was hacked to death on May 22, 2013, by Michael Adebolajo and an accomplice. Abedi’s attack prompted authorities to up the threat level to “Critical,” and a second attack is thought to be imminent.

Salman Abedi, a 22-year-old UK citizen of Libyan descent, committed the atrocious act, which targeted very young teenagers and tweens, mostly girls (the youngest known victim was 8-years-old.) Abedi, the son of Libyan refugees fleeing the Gaddafi regime, appears to have been part of a terrorist network in Manchester, with links to Libya, and appears to have owed his allegiance to ISIS.

Abedi’s suicide vest was a sophisticated piece of technology, so it’s unlikely he fabricated it alone. Authorities believe he had received training from ISIS in years past. Abedi came to the attention of authorities years ago, when he expressed sympathy for terrorist acts, and suicide bombings, to classmates, who reported him to the security services.

In the wake of the bombing, the authorities have made five arrests, and at least two in Libya, including Abedi’s father and brothers, as police probe Abedi’s network.

Learn more about the state of the investigation (The Telegraph)


Photo: By David Dixon, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link


Tragic Suicide Bombing at Ariana Grande Concert in Manchester, UK

Tragic Suicide Bombing at Ariana Grande Concert in Manchester, UK

The Management Team of Face Activities wishes to express our deepest sympathies to the victims of the tragic explosion on Monday, at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, United Kingdom, and to their families and friends. This monstrous action is thought to be the work of a suicide bomber, intent on committing a heinous act of terrorism.


The concert goers, mostly tween girls, were unprotected, unsuspecting, and innocent. In the aftermath of the explosion, 19 people were killed, and over 60 injured, with numerous concert-goers missing. Family and friends are still searching frantically for loved ones, posting desperate pleas for information on social media.

The act of targeting any public gathering is an outrage, but targeting one predominantly comprising teenagers and tween kids is beyond the pale. Once again the terrorists of our age demonstrate their complete lack of humanity, and morality. And if confirmed as a terrorist attack, the bombing will be the worst on British soil since the subway bombing of 2005.

American Pop Star Ariana Grande was on tour promoting her “Dangerous Woman” album, and issued the following statement on Twitter: “broken. from the bottom of my heart, i am so sorry. i don’t have words.”

Learn more about Manchester Bombing (Washington Post)


Photo: By Hoshie – Made by HoshieSodipodi flag collection (original file) Dead link as of: 4FEB2009Colours: vexilla mundi Dead link as of: 12DEC2007Proportions: Zscout370 and Madden, Public Domain, Link

Today’s Syrian Gas Attack: How do we know who is responsible?

Today's Syrian Gas Attack: How do we know who is responsible?

Today a terrible gas attack struck a neighborhood in the Syrian city of Aleppo, leaving innocent victims dead and seriously injured. This is an unconscionable crime against humanity. Seventy civilians, many of them children, have been stricken. Entire families are dying, and the tragedy harkens back to the horrific 2013 attack.

The Management Team of Face Activities extends our deepest sympathies and concern for the victims of today’s criminal attack. And we ask, are we sure we know who is responsible for this outrage? The international news media is very quick to blame Bashar al-Asad. But what is the source of this information?

It’s important to get this right, by thoroughly researching and investigating every logical possibility. It’s too easy to make a snap judgement, and snap judgments in war can be costly, in the worst ways. Has ISIS, the most horrendous of terrorist threats, been ruled out? They could have had access to chemical weapons by virtue of all the territory they captured during the war.

The Management Team of Face Activities calls upon the international news media to present the results of their investigations into this chemical attack, and explain their sources to the public. Has ISIS been ruled out, or is there more investigative work needed before this can be done?


By Bernard Gagnon (Own work) [GFDL or CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Terrorist Attack in St. Petersburg, on Metro

Terrorist Attack in St. Petersburg, on Metro

The management team of Face Activities extends our sympathies to the victims of the terrorist attack in St. Petersburg, Russia, and their families. Such acts of criminal cruelty are unconscionable, and have no place in our world. 

Monday an explosive device was detonated on a metro train in the Russian city of St. Petersburg, causing the deaths of at least 10 people, and injuring dozens more. Another explosive device was found at a different station following the attack, but was diffused before detonation. This outrage appears to be an act of terrorism, but so far no groups have taken responsibility for the crime.

The explosion occurred inside the train’s car, when it entered a tunnel. The train’s driver continued to the next station rather than stopping, which investigator’s believe may have saved lives by facilitating access to emergency personnel.

Dmitry Medvedev, Russia’s Prime Minister, called the incident “a terrorist act,” and Russian President Vladimir Putin said that all possible causes were being investigated.

Learn more about terrorist attack on St. Petersburg Metro (CNN)


Photo: This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

Town Hall: President Obama discusses the terminology of terrorism

Town Hall: President Obama discusses the terminology of terrorism

President Obama answered a difficult question from a concerned American Citizen, regarding why he refuses to use the term “radical islamic terrorism” (and related terms) to describe ISIS and other terrorist groups. According to the President, it’s a manufactured issue, and use of the term is inaccurate, and unfair to majority Muslims who do not condone the brutal actions and ideology of these violent groups.

This has been a divisive issue for Americans, with right-leaning citizens happy to embrace the term, while more politically liberal ones generally prefer alternatives, like “radical jihadist terrorists.” According to the President and prominent members of his administration, it’s not worth using the term in question if we end up offending muslims, especially Muslim governments whose cooperation we require to achieve our national security goals.
“President Barack Obama has taken a lot of criticism from political opponents over his rhetoric when it comes to terrorism. But on Wednesday at a CNN presidential town hall, he was asked to defend why he refuses to say “Islamic” terrorism to a Gold Star mother.

“My son gave his life for acts of terrorism,” audience member Tina Houchins told Obama at the town hall moderated by CNN’s Jake Tapper. “Do you still believe that the acts of terrorism are done for the self-proclaimed Islamic religious motive? And if you do, why do you still refuse to use the term … Islamic terrorist?”” (

Learn more about President Obama’s town hall (

Photo: Pete Souza [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons


Police storm Bangladeshi Cafe where ISIS terrorists hold captives

Hostage Crisis, Dhaka, Bangladesh

The world endures another terrorist outrage, as extremists armed with guns and explosives attack innocent, unarmed citizens in Bangladesh. As always, the management team of Face Activities extends our support and sympathy to the victims and their families.

Police have stormed the Holey Artisan Bakery, in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, rescuing a few people from the clutches of ISIS terrorists, who seized the cafe, taking as many as 20 hostages. The terrorists have thrown bombs at police, and exchanged gunfire. At least one officer has been killed. Even though some were rescued, the crisis is ongoing.

Bangladesh, to the north east of India, is 89% Muslim, and this monstrous attack happens as the holy month of Ramadan, one of Islam’s most challenging and important sacred ritual obligations, nears an end.

Learn more about ongoing terrorist hostage crisis in Bangladesh (CNN)


Photo: by Michael Reeve (MykReeve, CC BY-SA 3.0)

New study: how do ordinary people turn into terrorists?

ISIS Territory

The uncompromising extremism, and willingness to both kill and die for their cause, are characteristic of ISIS fighters, and terrorists. Though their barbarity is unconscionable, their will to fight is remarkably strong, rivaled only by the kurds, who meet them in battle with minimal weaponry, and an equal zeal for victory. But why are they so willing to go to such lengths ?

A study in Iraq, lead by anthropologist Scott Atran of the University of Michigan, attempts to get to the bottom of this vexing question by studying the will to fight on both sides of the conflict. The researchers identified two crucial components: closely held “sacred values” that a fighter is willing to die for, and a strong collective identification with his fighting group, often greater than the fighter’s own family.

These powerful motivators are present both in ISIS extremists, and defending kurds who have opposed them successfully in battle. They are noticeably absent, or present at much weaker levels, in a sample group of Europeans that Atran studied. It’s important to note that the sacred values can be negative, apocalyptic values, like those that drive terrorists to enslave others, or the positive, life-affirming values of defenders like the kurds, who possess a strong faith that they are right to protect their homes from invasion–a sacred charge.

There have been relatively few serious studies of the characteristics and motivations of those who join extremist and terrorist groups, but more are necessary. It’s vital to understand the motivations and tipping-points of those who join ISIS, who are often ordinary people from middle or upper class homes with no previous signs of radicalization, in order to help curb the spread of these violent jihadist organizations.

Learn more about study researching jihadist motivations (Science News)

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

How to participate in a vigil for the victims of the Orlando shooting

Vigils in support of Orlando attack (

In response to the tragedy of the mass casualty event in Orlando, Florida over the weekend, many cities across the United States are hosting vigils, in order to offer support to the victims, and to make a stand against the violence.

The site hosts a growing list of vigils, with locations and times, throughout the country. If you want to voice your support for the victims, and outrage over this crime, visit this site and find a vigil to attend near you.

List of Vigils for Orlando Victims (

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