Breaking World News

Breaking World News

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan: ‘Germany is aiding and abetting terrorism’
“Relations between Turkey and Germany have lurched further into crisis after the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, accused Berlin of “aiding and abetting” terror in an increasingly acrimonious row over the arrest and incarceration of a German-Turkish journalist in Turkey…” (The Guardian)

Mass grave of babies and children found at Tuam care home in Ireland
“A mass grave containing the remains of babies and children has been discovered at a former Catholic care home in Ireland where it has been alleged up to 800 died, government-appointed investigators said on Friday….” (The Guardian)

Why Europe fails to learn
“As Benjamin Franklin remarked, ‘Experience keeps a dear school, yet fools learn in no other.’ He was brilliant enough to invent the lightning conductor but could not predict the formation of the European Union, where no one learns by experience…” (Le Monde diplomatique)

Financing a basic income
“Socialist presidential candidate Benoît Hamon is wooing French voters with the promise of a basic income for all. The idea has sparked debate across the political spectrum…” (Le Monde diplomatique)

Change of policy? PM Modi will visit Israel, but skip Palestine
“NEW DELHI: PM Narendra Modi’s upcoming visit to Israel in July, the first by an Indian Prime Minister, will not see him travelling to Palestine, a decision that underscores the “de-hyphenation” of India’s relations with the two West Asian states.
..” (The Times of India)

Army to get self-reliant, autonomous robots soon
“BENGALURU: Robots occupying forward areas with weapons may still be a far-fetched thought, but India doesn’t want to be lagging behind in providing its armed forces up-to-date artificial intelligence (AI) and robots…” (The Times of India)

Human-wildlife conflicts rising, KWS warns
“Conservationists and stakeholders have raised concerns over the increasing cases of human-wildlife conflicts in several parts of Kenya, because of the drought…” (The Standard – Kenya)

Water shortage hits Kisumu as hyacinth rots
“Residents of Kisumu now face water shortage as the water hyacinth which has carpeted Lake Victoria starts to rot, affecting quality…” (The Standard – Kenya)

Forget What You Know, You Actually Can Get Pregnant While Pregnant
“In a disturbing twist that goes against everything we learned in sex education, a recent New York Times Q&A confirmed that it’s actually possible for a woman to get pregnant… while she’s already pregnant…” (Science Alert)

Scientists Explain the Depressing Reason Why Pandas Are Black and White
“With its trademark patches of black and white fur, there’s no mistaking the giant panda for any other bear.

Now scientists have a better idea of why pandas have this distinctive pattern, and it could all come down to the lengths the poor old animal has to go to just to get enough to eat…” (Science Alert)

Breaking news from around the world

Breaking news from around the world

NASA’s Announcing a Big Discovery “Beyond Our Solar System” Tomorrow
“…We’re so excited, we’re going to be live blogging the exoplanet announcement as it happens, so you guys will be first to hear the news. And we’ve embedded the NASA TV live stream below, so we can all witness the potentially history-making announcement together…” (Science Alert)

One of the Biggest Myths About Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Just Got Debunked
“…But for decades, researchers have struggled to find an underlying cause, leading to an assumption by many doctors that it’s ‘not a real disease’. Now, Australian researchers have blown that myth wide open, showing for the first time that CFS is linked to a faulty cell receptor in immune cells…” (Science Alert)

Cracking story: French artist to entomb himself in rock for a week, then use body to hatch eggs
“A French artist is preparing to be entombed for a week inside a 12-tonne limestone boulder in a modern art museum in Paris, after which he will emerge and attempt to hatch a dozen eggs by sitting on them for weeks on end…”(The Guardian)

The rise and fall of Milo Yiannopoulos – how a shallow actor played the bad guy for money
“So there is, after all, a line that you cannot cross and still be hailed by conservatives as a champion of free speech. That line isn’t Islamophobia, misogyny, transphobia or harassment…” (The Guardian)

Wannabe workshop to the world
“Vietnam is prospering but working conditions remain harsh. Business leaders hoped the Trans-Pacific Partnership would help make it an offshore manufacturing base to rival China. That may not happen…” (Le Monde diplomatique)

Tajikistan plans world’s biggest dam“After 58 years of delays, work has restarted on the Rogun Dam, Tajikistan’s sole hope for being part of the modern world; and neighbouring Uzbekistan may at last drop its opposition to the project.” (Le Monde diplomatique)

Fathers go shirtless outside school to protest over fees
“Fathers of several students removed their shirts outside a private school in Jalandhar on Tuesday to protest against the school issuing a notice that their wards would not be allowed to appear in the final exams if they did not deposit annual charges…” (Times of India)

PM Narendra Modi conveys to US India’s unease over likely H-1B curbs
“PM Narendra Modi has urged the US to take a “reflective, balanced and far-sighted” perspective on the movement of skilled professionals, indicating India’s discomfort with the Trump administration’s intent to curb H-1B visas…” (Times of India)


Photo: By ESO/L. Benassi – CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Breaking news from around the world

Breaking news from around the world

China orders GPS tracking of every car in troubled region
“Security officials in China’s violence-stricken north-west have ordered residents to install GPS tracking devices in their vehicles so authorities are able to keep permanent tabs on their movements…” (The Guardian)

Revealed: Kim Jong-nam was gripped by fear and paranoia, says friend
“Kim Jong-nam spent his last few years highly paranoid, hiding from the regime run by his dictator half-brother while struggling with a sense of powerlessness over the fate of his homeland, according to people who knew him…” (The Guardian)

British Muslim teacher denied entry to US on school trip
“A British Muslim schoolteacher travelling to New York last week as a member of a school party from south Wales was denied entry to the United States…” (The Guardian)

Shadier side to Trudeau’s sunny ways
“Justin Trudeau looks and sounds progressive, especially now that the world is turning to extreme or restrictive forms of nationalism. But he’s not what he seems…” (Le Monde diplomatique)

The candle revolution
“South Koreans have been demonstrating for more than three months against President Park. Following her suspension in December on corruption charges, they now want far-reaching change…” (Le Monde diplomatique)

No more two-state solution
“After Donald Trump took office, Israel announced the construction of 6,000 new settler homes. Now Trump has warned Binyamin Netanyahu such building ’may not be helpful’ for peace. Israel’s far right demands more than building: it wants to annex the Palestinian territories…” (Le Monde diplomatique)

Jet mid-air scare: 1 pilot slept, other on wrong frequency
“Satellite-based communication prevented the ‘incommunicado’ Jet Airways Mumbai-London flight with 330 passengers on board from getting into more trouble over German skies when it was intercepted by fighter jets+ last Thursday for not responding to air traffic control (ATC) calls. In fact, ‘alert’ crew of another Jet flight just ahead of this one came to the rescue of the out-of-reach crew of the flight from Mumbai (9W 118)…” (The Times of India)

Delhi police teach girls to fight trouble
“Delhi Police on Monday launched Sashakti, an initiative where girls would be trained in easy-to-learn-and-use self-defence techniques across the capital. Delhi Police aims to train over 1 lakh (100,000) girls and women under the programme…”(The Times of India)

Woman thrashes Odhav cop in public for indecent proposal
“In a massive embarrassment for the state police which is responsible for enforcing the recently tightened prohibition laws, assistant sub inspector Amrutji Khatuji of Odhav police station was publicly thrashed for teasing a woman while drunk. The cheering public shamed the ASI and encouraged the harassed woman, a vegetable vendor in Thakkarnagar, to slap the cop and drag him by his uniform on to the road…” (The Times of India)


Photo: By USAF [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons