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(Video) Trump in Riyadh: Controversy follows US president
“President Trump is one of the world’s most famous Twitter users – and that fact isn’t being forgotten during his trip.

In addition to his main address he’ll also make a short speech at a social media conference in Riyadh…” (Al Jazeera)

Riyadh summit discusses ways of rooting out terrorism
“US President Donald Trump, leaders and representatives of 55 Arab and Muslim-dominated countries kicked off their Arab-Islamic-American summit in Riyadh on Sunday, focusing on unity in the fight against terrorism.

King Salman of Saudi Arabia was the first to address the summit, telling the gathering that Islam provided the best example for coexistence and “will always be the religion of mercy and coexistence…” (Al Jazeera)

Hassan Rohani Declared Winner Of Iran’s Presidential Vote
“President Hassan Rohani has been declared the outright winner with nearly all the ballots counted from Iran’s May 19 presidential election, a seemingly emphatic endorsement of the incumbent’s efforts to reengage internationally and seek modest reforms within Iran’s clerically dominated society…” (Payvand Iran News)

Scapegoating Iran Will Not Resolve Middle East Challenge
“During his Middle East trip, President Donald Trump is reportedly planning to pursue an ambitious list of objectives. Paramount among these is to strengthen regional cooperation in defeating the Islamic State (ISIS or IS) and Islamist terrorism in general. He will also try jump-starting the effort to build peace between Israel and the Palestinians that, if successful, could eliminate a major source of tensions in the region…”
(Payvand Iran News)

May school lunch cut ‘would hit 900,000 children of struggling families’
“About 900,000 children from struggling families will lose their right to free school lunches under a cut unveiled in the Conservative manifesto.

The total includes more than 600,000 young children recently defined as coming from “ordinary working families”, according to analysis for the Observer by the Education Policy Institute…” (The Guardian)

Theresa May under pressure over ‘dementia tax’ social care shakeup
“Theresa May is coming under pressure to drop or water down her controversial shakeup of social care that has been branded a “dementia tax”, amid warnings that it is unfair and could deter older people from seeking care…” (The Guardian)

The Kurds’ changing alliances
“The defence of Kobane has become a symbol of the struggle against IS. But Kurdistan remains deeply fragmented, and its divisions have grown wider even though there is now a common enemy…” (Le Monde diplomatique)

France’s Chinese citizens stand up for their rights
“There are over half a million people of Chinese origin in France, and they run 35,000 small businesses. The younger generation are so French that they’ve taken to protest…” (Le Monde diplomatique)

Right-wing protesters try to storm justice ministry over ‘hate speech law’
“Members of the right-wing Identitarian movement attempted to storm the German justice ministry in Berlin on Friday over a proposed law to fight hate speech on social media.
About 50 people from the right-wing, anti-immigrant movement gathered before the justice ministry in the afternoon and then tried to force their way into the building, according to police…” (The Local)

Merkel awards first integration prize to small town that took in extra refugees
“Altena, a town in western Germany, was on Wednesday honoured by Chancellor Angela Merkel for its achievements in integrating refugees. It was the first place to win the National Integration Prize, and received €10,000 for its efforts…” (The Local)

California Grid Smashes Record – Getting 67% of Energy From Renewables
“On 13 May 2017, California smashed through another renewable energy milestone as its largest grid, controlled by the California Independent System Operator (CISO), got 67.2 percent of its energy from renewables – not including hydropower or rooftop solar arrays…” (Science Alert)

Now Artificial Intelligence Is Inventing Sounds That Have Never Been Heard Before
“As well as beating us at board games, driving cars, and spotting cancer, artificial intelligence is now generating brand new sounds that have never been heard before, thanks to some advanced maths combined with samples from real instruments…” (Science Alert)

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