Terrorist attack on London Mosque

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The Management Team of Face Activities offers our condolences to the victims of the recent Terrorist Attack in North London, and their families. Whether this is a misplaced revenge attack for earlier terrorist attacks in the UK, or an ISIS-inspired action, it is a criminal act that we condemn.


The Mayor of London has called the recent violence at a North London Mosque “an horrific terrorist attack.”

Police are still investigating the incident, in which a man in a white van (and possibly two other passengers) drove into the crowd exiting an early morning prayer service at their Mosque. The attack, which has terrorized the Muslim community, occurred during the last week of Ramadan, one of Islam’s holiest times.

One pedestrian was killed and several more were injured. One suspect was held by civilians at the scene while attempting to exit the vehicle, and is now in police custody.

Learn about London Mosque Attack (CNN)



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