Attempted Military Coup in Turkey

Who is in charge of Istanbul and Ankara today? It remains unclear, following an attempted coup. Apparently large numbers of soldiers were mobilized while President Erdogan was away on vacation. The President now claims the coup has failed, and other sources in the Turkish government seem to confirm that report. However, the situation on the ground seems less certain. Large numbers of Turks are in the streets, though reports are mixed as to whom they are supporting, and police have been filmed detaining soldiers.
President Erdogan has worried many in recent months, and some had predicted a coup was possible. Turkey’s economy and status as a tourist destination have suffered, terrorist attacks are on the rise, and the President’s behavior has been described as increasingly paranoid.
A military coup affecting a NATO ally that’s so crucial to the war against ISIS is of great concern to the U.S. and Europe. The U.S. has a military presence in the country, which includes tactical nuclear weapons.
Learn about the attempted coup in Turkey (CNN)
Photo:By Senat RP/Polish Senate [CC BY-SA 3.0 pl, via Wikimedia Commons”