U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Aspects of President’s Travel Ban

U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Aspects of President's Travel Ban

Despite several lower-court losses, President Trump has won a modest victory regarding his controversial travel ban. The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that parts of the executive order aren’t problematic.

If an individual from one of the six muslim-majority countries affected by the travel ban can demonstrate a close affiliation with a school or company then that individual is exempt, but the ban will apply to those who can’t demonstrate such ties. The court will here full arguments on the case when they return from recess.

The President’s travel ban makes civil right’s activists and humanists bristle with anger. In an age when man people from muslim majority countries face persecution, from ISIS, from war, and from the machinations of unstable governments, the travel ban is seen as unnecessary, ineffective, and cruel.

Learn more about the travel ban (New York Times)

Photo: By Steve Petteway, Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States (Roberts Court (2010-) – The Oyez Project) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Federal Judge temporarily halts President’s immigration order

Federal Judge temporarily halts President's immigration order

A Federal Judge has placed a temporary, nationwide hold on President Trump’s Executive Order on immigration. Justice James Robard, a George W. Bush appointee who presides in Seattle, WA, granted the temporary restraining order on Friday. Following the judge’s decision, the U.S. Government will now reinstate the visas of travelers from the seven Muslim-majority countries affected by the executive order, allowing them to come and go legally, until the matter is resolved at a later date.

The Trump Administration initially called the court order “Outrageous,” and the Department of Justice has announced intentions to challenge the restraining order by filing an emergency stay, in order to defend the President’s  controversial Executive Order. It’s possible that the U.S. Supreme Court will hear this case eventually, which would represent a major test of Trump Administration policy.

The Executive Order, which prevents valid visa holders from seven countries (Iraq, Iran, Somalia, Sudan, Lybia, Yemen, and Syria) from entering the U.S. for a period of 90 days, in order to allow time for “extreme vetting”, has sparked a firestorm of protests across the United States, and condemnation from around the world. Many believe the Executive Order is contrary to American values,  inordinately cruel to struggling refugees, and even unconstitutional.

Learn more about Judge Robard’s temporary restraining order (CNN)


Photo: By Tim Evanson, CC BY-SA 2.0 (Wikimedia Commons)