The Cobweb Hotel, an animated short by Dave Fleischer, 1936

The Cobweb Hotel, an animated short by Dave Fleischer, 1936

The Cobweb Hotel, 1936

An animated short by Dave Fleischer

“A spider runs a hotel for flies where he keeps his guests captive. A pair of fly newlyweds arrive and check in. Fortunately, the husband is “flyweight champion”. After a pitched battle featuring arrows (fountain pen nibs) and a machine gun (aspirins shot from a perfume atomizer), the spider winds up in a bottle of library paste.” (IMDB)

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Little Lulu: Bargain Counter Attack, an animated short by I. Sparber, 1946

Little Lulu: Bargain Counter Attack, an animated short by I. Sparber, 1946

Little Lulu: Bargain Counter Attack, 1946

An animated short by I. Sparber

“Lulu goes to a department store to exchange her doll for something else. While looking for a new item Lulu manages to terrorize the section manager, ski down the escalators, and cause a Noahic flood in the store.” (IMDB)

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