Rush Hour, an animated short, 2003
Rush Hour, 2003
This animated short, filmed in stop-motion animation with Lego, features three road rage incidents, and has a surprise ending. If you like animation, or Lego, you’ll love this little flick.
Rush Hour, 2003
This animated short, filmed in stop-motion animation with Lego, features three road rage incidents, and has a surprise ending. If you like animation, or Lego, you’ll love this little flick.
Computer Savvy, 2003
An animated short by Karatedude
Another fun animated short, featuring lego. Two guys with goofy names decide to work in a computer store to earn some much needed cash. Amusing antics ensue, since they are anything but computer savvy.
Zero Gravity Rebellion, 2003
An animated short by James Maduzia
A young man defies his mother when he comes across a hover board, the toy he’s always wanted.