Snow Foolin’, an animated short by Izzy Sparber (as I. Sparber), 1949

Snow Foolin', an animated short by Izzy Sparber (as I. Sparber), 1949

Snow Foolin’, 1949

An animated short by Izzy Sparber (as I. Sparber)

“Various animals prepare for winter and enjoy a variety of winter sports. A hen invites us to follow her bouncing egg and sing along to Jingle Bells. Finally, a turtle dispenses hot coffee to a bird on her nest.” (

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Santa And The Robot Menace, an animated short by Peter Proscia, 2014

Santa And The Robot Menace, an animated short by Peter Proscia, 2014

Santa And The Robot Menace, 2014

An animated short by Peter Proscia

Santa contends with a powerful robotic challengerĀ attempting to take over the Christmas. This crisp and colorful animated short is a delightful holiday treat.

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