Once again a terrible tragedy

Once again a terrible tragedy unfolds in the United States, this time in Texas, but it could have been anywhere: one of the biggest school shootings of all time. 

The republican governor’s time would be well spent doing something, doing anything, to keep guns out of the hands of maniacs like the late 18-year-old shooter who bought over $7,000 worth of guns and ammunition on his birthday to prepare for his murderous spree. 

But sadly it won’t likely happen. Republicans, now basically the so submissive servants of the NRA, are staunchly against any reasonable form of gun control, despite 90% of the American People supporting such protective measures. 

No other civilized, modern nation has the problem of gun-violence, and particularly mass casualty events, that the United States has. The politicians, especially on the right, refuse to recognize that easy access to powerful guns is a contributing factor in these horrible crimes.

And without a change in laws and policies, the problem won’t go away on its own.

Beto O’Rourke, former congressman and Presidential candidate, vigorously challenged the governor at his press conference, admonishing him for doing nothing when another shooting, so common now in the U.S., was predictable (one happens somewhere n the country almost every week). 

More Americans need to stand up to challenge their leaders, like O’Rourke did, on this issue, to fix this serious gun problem, so more innocent people won’t die. 

And the greatest and most effective challenge happens at the ballot box. Americans can and must vote for leaders at all levels of government who will put sensible and effective anti-gun violence laws in place. 

March for our lives: students march against gun violence

March for our lives

The March for Our Lives event to protest gun violence in the schools, and society at large, will sweep the nation tomorrow (Saturday, March 24) and extend internationally.

In addition to a massive protest in Washington, D.C., which some predict will draw 500,000 students and protesters to the capital, there are 600 local marches and events planned all across the U.S., totaling 800 world-wide, especially in Europe.

IMPORTANT: To search for a march near you, click here. 

You can also follow on Instagram.

Students and concerned citizens who can’t attend the event in Washington, D.C. are encouraged to attend one of the local marches to make their voices heard. In fact, to show support for the cause, the popular ride-sharing app Lyft is offering free rides is offering free rides to students in 50 cities to attend the marches.

Students from Florida’s Stoneman Douglas High School will lead the march in Washington. Last month they suffered the loss of 17 peers when a deranged 18-year-old gunman opened fire with an AR-15 rifle on their campus. These students have surprised the nation by taking passionate leadership roles in the anti-gun violence movement since enduring those tragic events.

The marches are peaceful protests planned to encourage kids and their families to take a stand against gun violence, and for reasonable gun control laws. Like last year’s well-attended Women’s Marches following President Trump’s controversial election, the March for Our Lives events will feature a unique symbol: The image of a large eye painted on hands and gloves. It’s intended purpose is to remind law-makers that the people are watching. For the Women’s Watch the symbol was the ubiquitous “pink pussy hat.” The same artist / activist was involved in the development of both symbols.

For more information, enjoy this article from Mashable: everything you need to know about the March for our lives


Video 1: ABC News / Youtube

Video2: World News / YouTube – Creative Commons

Photo: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Students Walkout over gun violence

Today is national school walkout day, as countless socially conscious high school and college students walk out of classes in a concerted effort to protest gun violence,  and demand gun control.

The student movement was catalyzed by the tragic events at a Florida high school one month ago, in which an 18-year-old gunman killed 17 students with an AR-15 assault rifle that he bought legally.

In recognition the students participated in 17-minute-long protests, with each minute representing a victim, intended to pressure congress and state legislatures to enact tougher gun control laws to combat the rash of school shootings that have plagued the nation.

The management team of Face Activities supports these students and approves of their aims.

Photo: Phil Roeder from Des Moines, IA, USA • CC BY 2.0

Singer songwriter Ray LaMontagne cancels appearance due to gun law

Singer songwriter Ray Montagne cancels appearance due to gun law

Singer songwriter Ray LaMontagne has cancelled an appearance at the University of Texas, Austin, in protest of the state-wide campus concealed carry handgun law. Signed by the state’s governor in June, the law permits people aged 21 and older with the proper licensure to conceal carry handguns on college campuses throughout the state.

Many find it ironic that the bill became law on the 50th anniversary of a mass murder in which 50 students died on a Texas University campus, while others, who support the bill, believe it will make campuses safer places in the long run.

LaMontagne is very much against the law, but the law has strong support in Texas. According to LaMontagne, America doesn’t need any more guns. And many echo his sentiments, despite the majority view, including some officials in Texas government. Nonetheless, despite strong minority sentiment, many in Texas feel that the better access to guns will save lives. They believe it’s the best way to stop gun violence on campuses and other places. By encouraging law-abiding citizens to arm themselves, they believe that mass murderers and terrorists will be met with violent opposition before they have the opportunity to inflict mass casualties.

Alternatively, realists point out that the chances of young students getting into serious trouble with guns is quite high, and a much greater threat than the potential threat of mass murder. Young, hot-tempered college students, who haven’t quite completed their emotional development, often immersed in the atmosphere of heavy drinking found on many college campuses, would be at greater risk for crimes of passion, and suicide attempts, with guns easily accessible and permitted at Universities.

For better or worse Texas Universities have become a laboratory for the safety of University students, faculty and staff, across the state. Will the conceal carry law that LaMontagne protests afford the universities some measure of protection against violent criminals, or merely increase safety risks? What ever your heart felt opinion, at least there will be hard data to analyze in the coming years. And when those numbers are in, we must analyze them properly, and act without hesitation in the best interests of the people.

Learn more about Ray Montagne’s protest and this law (CNN)



Photo: mattCreative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.

Congressional Gun Control Sit-in: Live Stream

Gun Control Sit-In - US Capitol, Day Light

The management team of Face Activities supports the sincere efforts of the Democratic members of Congress to promote gun control, including their sit-in to call for a vote on banning gun sales to those on the No Fly List (people under investigation for possible connections to terrorism.)

In the U.S. Congress, Democrats and Progressives are demanding gun-control reforms following the tragic mass shooting in Orlando, while conservative law-makers are stonewalling in an effort to maintain the status quo. Currently Democrats have staged a sit-in on the floor of the House. They want Congress to pass a Bill that would ban the sale of guns to people on the Government’s Terrorism Watch List.

UPDATE: The House Democrats have just announced that they are ending their sit-in, and will resume gun control efforts after the July 4th recess. Face Activities continues to support all ongoing efforts to pass sensible gun control measures in the U.S. Congress.

Photo: Kevin McCoy (GNU Free Documentation License)