Democratic National Convention (Thursday)

Hillary Clinton, DNC 2016 - Thursday

Wednesday is the closing day of the DNC, and Hillary Clinton will speak to the assembled delegates, and the Nation. Tonight the speakers include numerous politicians and human rights activists, including members of the LGBTQ community. For a complete list of the convention program and speakers, click here. 

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Photo: by Gm2587CC BY-SA 4.0 (wikimedia commons)

Watch the Democratic National Convention – Live Stream Online

Bernie Sanders - DNC

Watch the DNC live online. Today’s speakers include: Bernie Sanders, Michelle Obama, Senator Elizabeth Warren, among others.  At a time when party unity is critical, tensions are high following the hacking scandal that outed favoritism for the Clinton campaign among high ranking DNC staffers. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, the head of the DNC, has resigned in the wake of the scandal, and will not take the podium at the convention.

It will be interesting to see how these tensions play out on the convention floor, tonight and throughout the week. Though Senator Sanders has thrown support behind Clinton, many of his followers remain loyal and are not ready to make the switch.

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Photo: Nick Solari [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons