Chicken A La King, an animated short by Dave Fleischer, 1937

Chicken A La King, an animated short by Dave Fleischer, 1937

Chicken A La King, 1937

An animated short by Dave Fleischer

“A rooster sultan is bored by his harems. A duck strongly resembling ‘Mae West’ entices him. Her lover arrives, and they do battle; the lovers leave, and the sultan, humiliated, turns to his harem, who beat him up…” (IMDB)

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Billion Dollar Limited, an animated short featuring Superman, 1942

Billion Dollar Limited, an animated short featuring Superman, 1942

Billion Dollar Limited, 1942

An animated short by Dave Fleischer,

Another classic Superman animation, from the golden age of animated adventure!

“Superman battles train robbers seeking to steal a billion dollars worth of gold.” (IMDB)

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The Cobweb Hotel, an animated short by Dave Fleischer, 1936

The Cobweb Hotel, an animated short by Dave Fleischer, 1936

The Cobweb Hotel, 1936

An animated short by Dave Fleischer

“A spider runs a hotel for flies where he keeps his guests captive. A pair of fly newlyweds arrive and check in. Fortunately, the husband is “flyweight champion”. After a pitched battle featuring arrows (fountain pen nibs) and a machine gun (aspirins shot from a perfume atomizer), the spider winds up in a bottle of library paste.” (IMDB)

(Browse our Movie Archive)


Gabby: Fire Cheese, an animated short by Dave Fleischer, 1941

Gabby: Fire Cheese, an animated short by Dave Fleischer, 1941

Gabby: Fire Cheese, 1941

An animated short by Dave Fleischer

“Gabby makes good on his pledge to ‘be helpful’ by assisting the local fire department while they put out a fire. When the chief incapacitates himself by getting Gabby’s hat stuck over his head, Gabby takes charge with with disastrous consequences.” (IMDB)

(Browse our Movie Archive)

The Playful Polar Bears, an animated short by Dave Fleischer, 1938

The Playful Polar Bears, an animated short by Dave Fleischer, 1938

The Playful Polar Bears, 1938

An animated short by Dave Fleischer

Adorable arctic polar bears and their cubs live a merry life in the frozen wilderness, but must defend themselves when they are threatened by human hunters.

(Browse our Movie Archive)



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