Tom and Jerry: Barnyard Bunk, an animated short by John Foster, George Rufle (as Geo. Rufle), 1932

Tom and Jerry: Barnyard Bunk, an animated short by John Foster, George Rufle (as Geo. Rufle), 1932

Tom and Jerry: Barnyard Bunk, 1932

An animated short by John Foster, George Rufle (as Geo. Rufle)

“An old farmer has let his entire farm go and it is falling down around him, with mice taking over. Tom and Jerry (the human versions, not the cat and mouse) show up with magical saxophones, and the music has amazing effects on the farm. A chicken lays dozens of eggs, a cow gives gallons and gallons and gallons of milk, and two woodpeckers don’t just peck a tree, they cut it down and split it into firewood…” (IMDB)

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Santa And The Robot Menace, an animated short by Peter Proscia, 2014

Santa And The Robot Menace, an animated short by Peter Proscia, 2014

Santa And The Robot Menace, 2014

An animated short by Peter Proscia

Santa contends with a powerful robotic challenger attempting to take over the Christmas. This crisp and colorful animated short is a delightful holiday treat.

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