A week of tragic violence

The management team of Face Activities extends our sympathies to the victims of the horrific Synogogue mass-casualty event in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in which 11 innocent people lost their lives, and the tragic shooting incident at a Kroger in Kentucky, where two African Americans lost their lives.

These despicable crimes are outrages, and part of the same week of hate which also included 14 attempted bombings by a deranged Trump supporter. The degree of hatred and the lack of empathy required to commit such acts is truly shocking.

Learn more about these incidents:

Photo: Published Domain

Video: msnbc / YouTube

Little Lulu: Cad and Caddy, an animated short by Famous Studios, 1947

Little Lulu: Cad and Caddy, an animated short by Famous Studios, 1947

Little Lulu: Cad and Caddy, 1947

An animated short by Izzy Sparber (as I. Sparber)

“Lulu plans her revenge against a distressed golfer who refuses to give her a lollipop after he promised her one for caddying for him.” (IMDB)

(Browse our Movie Archive)



Lady Frankenstein, 1971


Lady Frankenstein, 1971

By Mel Welles & Aureliano Luppi (co-director)

Dr. Frankenstein’s daughter continues the work of her brilliant but tragically flawed father.

“When Dr. Frankenstein is killed by a monster he created, his daughter and his lab assistant Marshall continue his experiments. The two fall in love and attempt to transplant Marshall’s brain in to the muscular body of a retarded servant Stephen, in order to prolong the aging Marshall’s life. Meanwhile, the first monster seeks revenge on the grave robbers who sold the body parts used in its creation to Dr. Frankenstein. Soon it comes after Marshall and the doctor’s daughter.” (IMDB)

(Browse our Movie archive)

Nursery Scandal, an animated short by Van Beuren Studios, 1932

Nursery Scandal, an animated short by Van Beuren Studios, 1932

Nursery Scandal, 1932

An animated short by Van Beuren Studios

“It’s nighttime in the forest. The man in the moon whistles, and gnomes emerge from a hole in the bottom of a tree. The gnomes dance. Three of them find a book placed open and upside down on the ground. It’s the Mother Goose fairy tales…” (IMDB)

(Browse our Movie Archive)

The Phantom Planet, a film by William Marshall, 1961

The Phantom Planet, a film by William Marshall, 1961

The Phantom Planet, a film by William Marshall, 1961

A film by William Marshall

“After an invisible asteroid draws an astronaut and his ship to its surface, he is miniaturized by the phantom planet’s exotic atmosphere.” (IMDB)

(Browse our Movie Archive)

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Reel 2:

Return of the Kung Fu Dragon, 1976

Return of the Kung Fu Dragon

Return of the Kung Fu Dragon, 1976

“The complicated story involves the military conquest of a peaceful island-nation by an evil despot and his sorcerer ally. His victory leaves the island’s three heroic protectors dead, but, their young children are hidden away to grow to adulthood with different identities, unaware of their heritage, in hope that, in time, they might challenge and defeat the evil ruler. The charming Polly Kuan stars as one of these children who has been adopted by the conquerer himself, initially as an insult to the defeated hero, later as his protégé.”
(from: imdb) (Browse our Movie Archive)

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