Watch the women’s march on Washington

In the indomitable spirit of the suffragettes of old, half a million progressive people, men and women alike, are converging on Washington, D.C., and other cities, in an impressive show of solidarity, to protest Donald Trump’s inauguration as the 45th President of the United States.
The event starts at 10 am, ET in Washington, with local marches to be held in cities across the United States. The attendees want to voice their opposition to the Trump Presidency, and trumpet their support of reproductive rights, immigration reform, access to affordable health care, civil rights, and a host of progressive issues, which they fear President Trump’s policies will endanger.
Donald Trump’s behavior during the campaign, and over the course of his life, have caused many to question his level of respect towards women and his commitment to women’s issues.
His very public clashes with NBC’s Megan Kelly, formerly of Fox News, and comedienne Rosie O’Donnell, along with the surfacing of an 11-year-old video tape in which Trump makes brash, sexually charged statements, widely held to be derogatory and even threatening to women, have raised serious concerns among liberals and progressives, and even some conservatives.
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