A Letter to Michael Moore

Mr. Moore,
You are certainly wrong about the Shah of Iran: “Shah” means king in the Farsi language.
First, the USA did not give this title to him (as you were mentioning to Ali Velshi in the MSNBC conversation about Iran recently.
The Shah earned this title as a second (2) king of dynasty Phalavi.
95% of your information about Iran’s history is wrong. The Shah was very a peaceful king, not just in Iran but towards all the Countries of the world, including the USA.
Being a peaceful king does not mean he was a puppet. You are very wrong.
The Mullahs’ ( Ayatollas) current administration in Iran try to be the same, good and peaceful too. But the war mongers’ agendas would never allow that to happen.
Mr. Moore, tell me which side are you on?
From the management of faceactivities .com
Photo: nicolas genin from Paris, France • CC BY-SA 2.0