Happy Nowruz!

The management team of Face Activities wishes everyone a Happy and Prosperous Nowruz!
Nowruz is a delightful holiday of Iranian origin, now celebrated around the world. Also known as the Iranian New Year and Persian New Year, this ancient holiday, with roots in the Zoroastrian Faith, marks the Vernal Equinox, the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and the first day of the New Year for Iranians, and many other peoples as well.
The start of Nowruz is typically celebrated, depending on region and custom, between March 20th and March 22nd, and marks the beginning of 13 days of joyous celebration. The days preceding the start of this holiday are often solemn and contemplative, but Nowruz is a wonderful celebration of light and joy.
The holiday, which spread far and wide with the expansion of the Persian Empire in the ancient world, has been celebrated for over 3,000 years across both Western and Central Asia, the Caucasus, the Black Sea Basin and the Balkans. In modern times it’s still a holy day for Zoroastrians, but it’s also celebrated as a secular holiday by many ethnic and linguistic groups.
Modern Nowruz celebrations include a bountiful ceremonial table, filled with culinary treats. In past years, President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama always made a point to honor the holiday. We hope President Trump will make an effort to follow suit this year. Please enjoy this archival footage of the former First Lady’s gracious celebration:
Photo: creative commons license (copy, share, adapt): CC BY-SA 3.0