What is Christmas?

The management team of Face Activities wishes our members a safe, happy, and Merry Christmas, where ever you are, throughout the world. We wish for ‘Peace on Earth, and Good Will Towards Men’, as the saying goes.
Let this be a time to be with family and friends, as best we can in these difficult times, to reflect on the better virtues and saving graces of humanity, and reach out to others in friendship.
“Christmas is marked on the 25 December (7 January for Orthodox Christians).
Christmas is a Christian holy day that marks the birth of Jesus, the son of God, according to the Christian religion.
The story of Christmas
Jesus’ birth, known as the nativity, is described in the New Testament of the Bible.
The Gospels of Matthew and Luke give different accounts. It is from them that the nativity story is pieced together.
Both accounts tell us that Jesus was born to a woman called Mary who was engaged to Joseph, a carpenter. The Gospels state that Mary was a virgin when she became pregnant.
In Luke’s account Mary was visited by an angel who brought the message that she would give birth to God’s son. According to Matthew’s account, Joseph was visited by an angel who persuaded him to marry Mary rather than send her away or expose her pregnancy…” (BBC)
Learn more about the Christmas Holiday (BBC)
Photo: By Bartolomé Esteban Murillo – The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei. DVD-ROM, 2002. ISBN 3936122202. Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH., Public Domain, Link