Breaking World News

Multiple People Shot At New York City Hospital; Shooter Dead
“NEW YORK ― A former employee at a New York City hospital shot multiple people Friday afternoon, killing a woman and wounding six other people before killing himself, police said…” (Huffington Post)
Trump’s Election Investigation Is Already Facing Trouble
“WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump’s commission on election integrity is facing significant hurdles, as multiple state election officials have said they will not comply with the panel’s request this week for specific, sensitive voter information…”
(Huffington Post)
Migrant Nation
“Most places that house people on the move, for whatever reason, were set up in a hurry and meant to be temporary. The reality was quite different…”
(Le Monde diplomatique)
‘America first’ means addressing climate change
“During his inaugural speech, President Donald Trump announced that from that point it would be, and only be, America first. His policy for the next four years is to focus on making America big, strong and safe again. However, his decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement of November 2016, designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and signed by 194 states, will place American national security at risk…”
(Le Monde diplomatique)
Kensington and Chelsea council leader quits in wake of Grenfell disaster“The Tory leader of Kensington and Chelsea council is to step down along with his deputy after weeks of criticism over the response to the Grenfell Tower fire, culminating in a bungled attempt to hold a meeting about the blaze in private…” (The Guardian)
Sex offender treatment scheme led to increase in reoffending
“Sex offenders who completed a group treatment programme in prison were more likely to commit further similar offences, a Ministry of Justice review has found. The analysis warned that group therapy could allow offenders to share “contacts and sources” or normalise criminal behaviour…” (The Guardian)
Iran win four medals at World Taekwondo Championships
“The Iranian delegation snatched four medal at the 2017 World Taekwondo Championships in Muju, South Korea…” (Tehran Times)
Iran on a fast-track to beating noncommunicable diseases: WHO
“Since the 1960s, the Islamic Republic of Iran’s urban population has tripled and life expectancies have risen. This, however, has increased people’s exposure to tobacco, unhealthy diets, and physical inactivity – among the main risk factors for noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), primarily cardiovascular and lung diseases, cancer and diabetes…” (Tehran Times)
Contemporary African art wows Paris
“One of the largest exhibitions of contemporary African art is on show at the Louis Vuitton Foundation in Paris…” (Africa News)
Ex-U.N. Chief Ki-moon joins Mandela’s global think tank ‘The Elders’
“Immediate-past United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, has joined a group of eminent global statesmen called ‘The Elders.’” (Africa News)
Photo: By Jim.henderson – Own work, CC0, Link