Breaking World News

Who was Jordan Edwards? Teen killed by police called a good student, athlete
“He might be the last person you’d expect to die in a police shooting.
Straight-A student. Talented athlete. Product of a two-parent home.
Yet 15-year-old Jordan Edwards is dead — the latest unarmed black male to be killed during an encounter with the police…” (CNN)
What’s inside the Republican health care bill?
“House GOP lawmakers have made some more changes to their bill aimed at repealing Obamacare … or major portions of it.
Leaders from the conservative and moderate wings of the Republican Party hashed out a deal over the April recess to try to get more votes for the legislation, which was shelved in late March after failing to get enough votes to pass. No vote has been scheduled yet on the revised bill…” (CNN)
N. Korea nuclear test site shows continued activity
“Recent satellite imagery showed continued activity at North Korea’s nuclear test site, such as water pumping from a test tunnel and personnel playing volleyball games, a website monitoring the North said…” (The Korea Times)
Parents allowing ‘hagwon’ to beat their kids for better grades
“Some parents are still condoning “hagwon,” or private academies, beating their children to achieve better grades, according to Korea’s private education industry…”
(The Korea Times)
Native Tribe in Brazil Attacked with Guns and Machetes
“SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL – Authorities in Brazil are still trying to piece together what exactly happened in the rural area of Viana, in the Northeastern state of Maranhão on Sunday, as members of the Gamera indigenous tribe clashed with men armed with machetes and firearms, according to CIMI (Indigenous Missionary Council)…” (The Rio Times)
Brazil Ex-Minister Dirceu Released from Prison by Supreme Court“SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL – The Supreme Court in Brazil voted three to two yesterday (May 2nd) to release former Minister José Dirceu from jail. Dirceu was arrested in August of 2015 by federal court judge Sérgio Moro in connection with Operação Lava Jato (Operation Car Wash)…” (The Rio Times)
Jordan welcomes UNESCO vote in favour of Palestine
“AMMAN — Jordan on Wednesday said UNESCO’s vote in favour of a Jerusalem item in the draft resolution “Occupied Palestine” reasserting previous decisions, shows growing world commitment to this very important issue…” (The Jordan Times)
King meets with EU representative over region, relations
“AMMAN — His Majesty King Abdullah on Wednesday discussed partnership between Jordan, France and the EU with Rapporteur of the Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Josette Durrieu, according to a Royal Court statement…” (The Jordan Times)
Theresa May declares war on Brussels, urging: ‘Let me fight for Britain’
“Theresa May has launched an extraordinary attack on Brussels, accusing European Union politicians and officials of seeking to disrupt the general election and willing Brexit to fail in a combative address delivered from Downing Street…” (The Guardian)
Hospital waiting lists ‘will rise above 5 million’ as targets slide
“The number of people in England forced to wait more than 18 weeks for a non-urgent operation could more than double as a result of the NHS’s decision to relax the obligation on hospitals to treat 92% of them in that time, a leaked document has revealed…”
(The Guardian)
Photo: By Дмитрий Ванькевич, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link