Happy Palm Sunday!

The management team of Face Activities wishes our Christian members a Happy and prosperous Palm Sunday.
Palm Sunday is a Christian holiday that takes place one week before Easter Sunday. It celebrates the triumphant arrival of Jesus in Jerusalem, accordibgto Christian tradition, where he was eventually crucified, and then resurrected, in the Passion.
According to the New Testament, When Jesus arrived at the gates of ancient Jerusalem with his apostles, he entered by riding on the back of a donkey, and the adoring crowds through palm leaves in his path, to honor him.
The donkey was an ancient tradition: when a king with peaceful intentions entered a city, he would ride a donkey. But if he sought war, he would ride a horse. Today modern Christians celebrate with palm leaves, and other geographically appropriate plants, to pay homage to their Lord and Savior on this holy day.
Palm Sunday is following by Good Friday, commemorating the day Christ was crucified, and finally Easter Sunday, arguably Christianity’s greatest holiday, which commemorates Christ’s resurrection and ascension to Divinity, completing the Christian Passion.
Learn more about Palm Sunday (Wikipedia)
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